My DRPA & Gain Structure
Hey Guys -- something is going on with my DRPA. When setting my gain structure I set my mixer up (Pink Noise running thru an input) until my main outputs clip. I back it down slightly and then look at my DR. The DR input lights barely flicker as well as the outputs. There doesn't seem to be anything to adjust on the DR so I noticed on my mixer there is a tiny little trim knob next to my main outputs (On back of mixer). I turned this knob up and it makes no change on my mixer BUT does improve my signal on the DR. I turned it up till I saw a noticable improvement. Here is my hang-up: ALL of the LEFT channel lights aren't as strong as the LEDs on the right(on the DR). Some of them by two LEDs or 10dB. So when this gets to my amps (I run in stereo) the right side clips way before the left side does. I then have to attenuate ALL of the right side inputs on the amps to balance them out. The only other way to balance this out is to use the pan knob on my mixer BUT then my MAIN LEDs are not balanced. Any ideas?
Mixer, DRPA, or both?
Now, you could take a meter and verify the voltage with pink noise injected into the board (an oscilloscope would be much better... but it's what I would use
Now, as to the tops... if you were to buy the best components I speced it would cost you about $750 EACH for parts alone...for a comparable speaker around $550/600 that's NOT including ANY labor (whats your time worth old buddy? Last I checked I believe they were $780...and if you noticed the RF 1264 have 4" voice coil woofers and 1.4" exit 3" voice coil horns AND they can be run fullrange! (add to the above another $75-100... or more for crossovers )
Just thought I'd point that out... I think I'd buy the D.A.S now...
Download the Binks CD (from the RMF section) and play a tone from CD. You'll be able to check voltage. OH! Make sure that the meter is set to AC, not DC.
My source is a CD player connected into the channel input with a Pink Noise Cd. I have used the stereo adapter as well as a mono adapter. I see no change only that it takes more gain to achieve the clip point with (I don't remember which one) mono or stereo adapter.
The easiest thing to do (if you have one) is make an open ended mic cable (no male end). Plug in the female end to the mixer outputs. If you have aligator clips they work best to leave connected. If not, just strip enough wire to wrap the leads. Connect (if I remember right) to shield and (+) or shield and (-). Either of these will give you half signal (like 2v at -0- output). If they are not the same, you have a balance problem. (+) and (-) together will give you 4v at -0-. I think. It doesn't matter which probe (red or black) goes where, for your purpose.
What are the gain settings for the different xovers? Are they all -0-db or are you adding gain or cutting the gain of any of the xover points?
So the meters show both channels @ the same level? If so then the fat channel really isn't affecting anything anyway but perhaps it's before that... but from the block diagram I suspect that the balance line drivers could be at fault? Zero the fat channel and make sure you don't have any sub groups routed to the mains...or any aux returns sending...or efx returns to the mains...
I did what DRA said to do with the 1K test tone using a volt-meter and sure enough there is a difference from the right output to the left output on the mixer. The right side was twice as strong as the left. I am sending the board back for repair. I honestly have no idea how long this has been going on.
Any thoughts on the output gains on the DR?
What are the gain settings for the different xovers? Are they all -0-db or are you adding gain or cutting the gain of any of the xover points?
Yes -- every output is currently at -0- dB.
You didn't tell me what the individual crossover gains are set at... select the xovers... toggle through the screens and tell me what the gain setting is for the HI, mid and lo outs it'll be in the lower right hand corner of the screen...