Considering a DR 260, but does it have the following?
I need a parametric EQ and crossover in one package. The parametric eq will probably require 3 usable configs from 50-500Hz (I know, try not to eq fundamentals), and 2-3 above that range. Additionally, I want a high pass crossover that has a usable range as low as 50Hz. Can the 260 do this?
Edit: In fact, do I actually even need a 260 to accomplish this, or can I just use a DR PA or PX?
Edit: In fact, do I actually even need a 260 to accomplish this, or can I just use a DR PA or PX?
X-over's can be set to almost any frequecy. (for example, you may select 76hz, but you may have to settle on 76.2hz, but typically within 1 hz). All 6 outputs have hi-pass, lo-pass, or band-pass capability, with BS, BW, & LR filter type, and slopes of 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, & 48 db, depending on filter.
Go to the downloads area and do the tutorial for the 260 and download the GUI driveware.
The DRPA+ has 6 outs and the same as above with 2 PEQ/s on the mid and lo outs...BUT a far better auto eq algorithm and a much faster auto eq...
HOWEVER...the 260 SOUNDS better... quite a bit better (better DAC's) and has a huge alignment delay... and thats important if you figure in processor propagation have also got 2 insertable processors with notch filters, compressors, auto feedback elimination, gates, AGC, sub harmonic synth, and strait wire...
I have NEVER had anyone be upset that they bought the 260, but MANY (including myself and Dra that had the DRPA and were BLOWN AWAY by the 260... and upgraded)... I have since gone all the way to the 4800 and it is a quantum leap above the 260... as the 260 is above the DRPA and PX...
there are a dozen more reasons you will be glad you got the 260... but the DRPA+... and maybe the PX will be great start... you'll just have a much better sonic palate to work with and a much better tool set...
Emu 1616M > Driverack > Parasound A23 amp > custom Scanspeak nearfields
I have some issues below 100Hz that I need to wrestle with, a dip between 50-100 that is audible (6-9dB). I also have some roughness in the 4k range that needs to be tamed. So, I'll only be using the stereo outputs to the single amp, in which case, I'll need about 4 PEQs, and a high pass xover at 50Hz.
Thanks for your input, it has been extremely valuable!
Concept: Gadget, with the DRPA+... could he set up a 2 x 4, open up both x-over filters to full range, y - sum the hi & lo outputs and have 5 PEQ's?
X, in case you are unaware the 260 is under $700 (new) at several places. Sometimes the "Musician's Friend", etc prices scare people away.
Not for $700. You might find a used product in the discontinued 400 series capable of AES/EBU in and out...I'm not sure.
My concern here is, if you "Y" the outputs back together... the processed and unprocessed signals will come back together... and ANY changes/path lengths...changes in the original signal...will be subjected to the same cancellations and sonic anomalies that we discuss daily where 2 speakers in the same soundfield will be subject to...
For have the signal going through the hi outs and you set a PEQ @ 2khz with a Q of .75 and a cut of 3db...the same signal will be sent through the lo outs and UNPROCESSED....these signals will be the SAME signal... but modified and so any delay... change or processing exposes the signals to phasing and delays through the processors that can and will create problems in those areas... If this was possible... or perhaps a better word practical..then I think you would have heard about this being done before...
Dennis? Thoughts?
My 0.02
How about... :idea:
In left, out left hi, in right, out right low???
I already thought about that and it should work in principle but with only 50% of the functionality about two DRPA+.
"The Crossover is used to divide the input signal into several frequency bands. This allows
the user to drive the speaker in its optimum frequency range and send each output separately
for more efficient use of amplifier power. The 260 DriveRack Crossover can be configured as
a 2x3, 4, 5, or 6. Appendix A.5 illustrates each of the available crossovers. The High-Pass or
Low-Pass filter being edited is indicated by the highlighted edge in the graphics area.
Adjusts the frequency of the Low Pass filter from 20 to 20KHz."
Notice that the section on "Frequency" only mentions low pass. Is that a goof, and shouldn't it mention that both High and Low filters are adjustable from 20-20?