yorkville ls 1208
hey iam looking for some help here can any one point me in the right direction or give me some settings to use on those boxes im using the yorkvilles with eaw 850z tops and a 260 for processing they are powered with a crown ma5002vz 2 per side im looking at x over settings peqs the full works thanks in advance
http://www.eaw.com/info/EAW/Loudspeaker ... S_rev1.pdf
@ just under 200 hz and about 1150hz. (DSP estimated)
Here is the only processor settings I found for the KF850:
http://www.eaw.com/info/EAW/Processor_S ... S_rev2.pdf
Here is what they say about adding a sub:
The 850 T and J series both use 257hz and 1560hz as xover points, but again those are without the upgraded components and pretty useless.
Perhaps you would get more help form the PSW forum. Lots more traffic and since it's a pro level box they would be more likely to have someone that HAS those.
Please start a new thread (instead of hijacking a thread that is over a years old) ...
Please give all info, all speakers, amps mixer and state purpose, and venues/outdoor...