Reset DR 260 to factory defaults
So, I've been playing with my newly purchased DR 260 and managed to locate a laptop that has a serial port. However, i think i'd like to reset all of the myriad of changes that i've made back to the factory defaults. Is there a power up sequence or something that can perform this task? Thanks!
Comments ... Manual.pdf
Form that manual on page 66 this:
Note that when you do a hard reset you will loose any user modifications you made. You can also upload any settings you wish to save to the computer for future download to the 260.
I'm not sure how I missed that in the manual, but it appears to have worked! I actually reimaged the firmware in hopes
that it would take care of it, to no avail.
Since I have your attention, and though a bit off topic, can you tell me if I have to set both the inputs and outputs to mono operation in order to run the Auto EQ on the left and right speakers individually? It seems to indicate such in the manual.
Thanks again!
To get a dual auto eq simply select dual mono... it will do the left channel first and the right second. Be aware that you WILL get a "not finished" message after the left channel auto eq pass... this CAN be something other than the 260 wanting to "auto eq the other channel". The other cause can be if more than 4 bands are fully cut or boosted, but you won't know THAT until you check the GEQ. so just assume it has passed and go ahead and do the second pass...
Make sure you avail yourself of the "START HERE" thread:
As it will give you the best chance of getting all you can out of the 260, and believe me it will be a STUNNING difference if you have never used a digital signal processor.
Also plaese make sure you read these auto eq threads so you know what your up against...
and perhaps even this thread:
where I detail my successes in a very good room...don't expect this success in every just doesn't happen :roll:
What i am initially trying to do is feed a single amp for a single set of speakers that have passive xovers in them. Later this year, i plan to acquire another amp so I can biamp those speakers, and turn them into active speakers by eliminating the passive xovers, and using the ones in the 260.
However, getting back to my current situation, I just need to bandpass them for now, since the rest is being done by the passive filters. They are this design, built in 30l cabinets:
I need to high pass them at around 40Hz, because they are too easy to overload below that, though they can certainly play lower.
So, output channels 1 and 2 will simply be left and right high pass outputs essentially, for now.... When it's all done with multiple amps, I'll be using all 6 outputs by including a stereo pair of subs.
Here's a quick screenshot of the setup without linking the inputs.
In your case, I'd use the auto eq and do multiple measurements and see if an average gets you closer to an answer for your room. But as I said, speaker placement will play a MAJOR roll in the room. Something I haven't tried yet but makes sense (to me at least
Have you seen this article?
He has an interesting variable equalizer circuit to determine the baffle point...but I think the auto eq will be far more effective as the above has only 1 frequency.
Keep us informed as to your findings.
I'll definitely take a few measurements and continue until it looks fairly clean. Since anything I record in this room will most likely be played back in the same space, it won't matter how it translates to other systems. So, I'll probably aim for one of the curves that sounds pleasing to my ear and see how that goes as well. I'll keep you guys posted!