DriveRack PA+ in a mono system
I am having trouble configuring my PA in my sanctuary. We have a mono system with a center cluster that has 2 speakers on top that are for long throw (community CPL 46) and 2 on the bottom that are for short throw (front of sanctuary). This is a mono system that we need to send the same signal to both sets of speakers (full range) but they will need to be EQ'd differently.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
In the Wizard, select 'stereo', select 'dual mono' select 2X4 way passive, all custom speakers and amps...load the new configuration.
hook up the CPL46's to the 'left, hi' out
hook the front fills to the 'right, low' out
Press the xover button, in the upper left of the display you will see an HML that corresponds to the 'hi', 'mid' and 'low' outs, highlight the 'H' using the <prev and next> keys and the encoder wheel, and xover buttons set the hipass (lowest point we want the CPL46's to go) to 50hz BW24 (there is no lopass filter on the hi outs)
select the 'L' from the upper left corner and set the HPF at the 3db down of the speakers you didn't list :roll:
You can now auto EQ both speakers will be asked to do the left (CPL46's) first and the downfills last...these will happen one right after the other, it will just start the auto eq process over again
Is that what you want?
Thanks a lot
What downfills are you using?
Right now, we were lucky to get the DRPA. The down fills are CPL series, but just one speaker and a horn. Not sure what #. I appreciate all your help.
No, makes no difference delay wise, it has a much faster auto eq algorithm, and sounds better as well.
If the downfills have the same 50 hz 3db down point you could run both out of the hi outputs, but if they require a different HPF then stick with what I indicated earlier. The point is that would give you three peq's to work with...are you using subs?
I have an old delay unit I would part with pretty cheap if you want. It's an Audio Logic unit ... not digital, with dip switches for setup, but capable of over 600 feet of far are the delay speakers?
Then you could set up a 2x6 and use one each output Hi, Mid and Low to set the system up but two of the locations would share the same HPF (like the down fills and delays) it would mean that those two would share a GEQ as well so it would be nice if they were the same type.. but not would be easier. You still have 2 peq's for each of the mid and low outs.
We aren't seeing an option to select a 2x4 setup when we get to that point in your setup suggestions. Is this available on the DRPA+ ?
stereo passive tops, with stereo passive subs...
let me know how that works..
you can email or call me if you wish..