DRPA - 4 full range + subs?
PA system gear:
- Mackie mixer
- Driverack PA
- High speakers & amp:
Crown 802D XLS amp
JBL JRX115 (passive main)
- Low speakers and amp:
Crown 2000 XTi amp
JBL JRX118S (passive sub)
Ran through the setup wizard (no problem here & setup was a breeze) and stored as JRX115 2x4.
Here is the kicker...we have a Crest Audio amp and EV Eliminator full range speaker we want to use with the setup.
How do I setup the DRPA to where the mid L/R outputs are high L/R outputs (same setup as 4 full range + subs on your Training Modules website)?
I have been on your product and user group website and found a wealth of useful information but none relating to my topic. Just point me in the right direction and I'm sure I can take it from there. Your help is much appreciated.
- Mackie mixer
- Driverack PA
- High speakers & amp:
Crown 802D XLS amp
JBL JRX115 (passive main)
- Low speakers and amp:
Crown 2000 XTi amp
JBL JRX118S (passive sub)
Ran through the setup wizard (no problem here & setup was a breeze) and stored as JRX115 2x4.
Here is the kicker...we have a Crest Audio amp and EV Eliminator full range speaker we want to use with the setup.
How do I setup the DRPA to where the mid L/R outputs are high L/R outputs (same setup as 4 full range + subs on your Training Modules website)?
I have been on your product and user group website and found a wealth of useful information but none relating to my topic. Just point me in the right direction and I'm sure I can take it from there. Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks for your quick response.
The eliminators (at least the 115 x horn ) have a 60x40 pattern that plays well with others... the JBL's have a 90x 15 pattern meant for one a side, and do NOT play nice with others...(that would be 180 degrees with 2 speakers)
So, if you still must...
Set up, a bi-amp tops and subs (all custom) rig in the wizard.
Load the coinfig
select xover and set the Hi outs, and the mid outs identically, I'd suggest starting @ 100hz LR24, make sure to set the mid outs to "out" or 20khz...(the hi outs do not have a HPF
What were doing here is turning the hi and mid outs to bandpass filters that go from 100 hz LR24 to allow the speakers to do whatever they can in the hi frequencies.
set the sub HPF to 50 hz BW18
set the sub LPF to 100hz LR 24
This will get both sets of (dissimilar) tops at least on the same frequency range, and give you a fighting chance. The subs will then cover 50hz to 100hz and both sets of tops will be set to do 100 hz up...
This is NOT dbx speaking.. we are USERS just like you, dbx simply offers this site for us to talk dbx products, we just have more experience than some. I've been here for over 7 years through 3 different sites. (FYI, and FWIW)
Oh and you never did indicate if there were 2 subs :roll: or one (hopefully with THOSE subs you have more than one or it will be hopelessly buried by the tops) , if you wanted mono subs, choose a 2X5 in the wizard setup... this will offer mono summed L/R to the subs.
I will definitely take this into consideration.
Other than that, I assume after loading the config, I will set my H/L xover for the outputs before the Auto EQ and AFS wizard.
I'll run the setup and keep you posted how it turns out.
You mean I actually need subs... :shock: ...good thing I have 2
Thanks again for your expertise!
and make sure to check out the FAQ's:
Especially the stuff about auto eq..