System Architect across subnets
Hello all, I am now in charge of the SC32 system here at work, we are trying to use a remote application (system architect) on our server but the server cannot find the device. We have a laptop right now hooked directly into our SC32 so we can configure it from that, but this will only be a temporary solution (we dont want to have a computer down there) We would like to be able to remote into the server from anywhere on property and access System Architect. The device is on a diffrent subnet then the server and therefore it cannot be located. There has got to be a way for the SC32 to broadcast across diffrent subnets... or is there a way to manually select the device with System Architect? Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
You will need to setup System Architect to use the SC as a proxy. As long as you can ping the device from anywhere on your property, with the PC you plan to run System Architect on, you can connect to the SC as a proxy and control it from wherever.
The main point to remember is that if you cannot ping the device from where you want to control it, you will not be able to connect to it. If you can, then all you need to do is enter the IP address of the SC into the proxy field of SA and it should just work.
Hope this helps.
I have a computer (XP SP3) running System Architect and I am trying to run the application with a domain account. I am a system admin, and would like other users to log on with there credentials and use System Architect 2.1. I have applied administrative permissions to the C:\program files\Harman Interational\ directory and all child objects. I can log on as myself (domain administrator) and connect to the device, but when I log in as a regular user (non-administrative on the domain) I cannot connect to the device. I cant even see the device using system architect's network troubleshooter... is this an issue with the System Architect software? Thank you in advance.
must just be an issue with the software, i added users to the local administrators group and they can now connect to the device.