DRPA Configuration
I have just bought a behringer Ultradive but having received it today, I don't really think it is what I was hoping for. Specifically, it lacks the auto EQ of the DRPA. I'm going to send this back and buy a DRPA, which the dealer has in stock.
The question is, can I do the following using all six outputs?:
Stereo Input to DRPA
Mono Sub Output with Bridged Amp
Stereo Low/Mid Outputs with Stereo Amp
Stereo Mid/Hi Outputs with Stereo Amp
That's 5 Outputs. Now can I use 6th Output in mono to drive a pair of full range 'centre fills' using another mono/bridged amp?
I hope you see what I am trying to do here but having read the online manual, and looked at some of the threads here, I'm not sure I can.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I have just bought a behringer Ultradive but having received it today, I don't really think it is what I was hoping for. Specifically, it lacks the auto EQ of the DRPA. I'm going to send this back and buy a DRPA, which the dealer has in stock.
The question is, can I do the following using all six outputs?:
Stereo Input to DRPA
Mono Sub Output with Bridged Amp
Stereo Low/Mid Outputs with Stereo Amp
Stereo Mid/Hi Outputs with Stereo Amp
That's 5 Outputs. Now can I use 6th Output in mono to drive a pair of full range 'centre fills' using another mono/bridged amp?
I hope you see what I am trying to do here but having read the online manual, and looked at some of the threads here, I'm not sure I can.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
The 260 would do that with ease...but is more money.. but is worth way more than 10 times the difference in price...
The problem is that you can run dual mono but the crossovers are tied together... this example:
might give you an idea what the limitations are...
In short, you can send 6 different fullrange outputs but only 3 different partial frequency outputs...
So as in the example of fullrange tops, subs and one monitor mix.. the low outputs can be configured to run the subs from whatever HPF you set (20-50hz) and whatever LPF you set 40-150hz)(or more) but you can't set the low outputs to fullrange on the right outs and 40-100hz on the left outs...
does that make sense?
Thanks for the very clear reply - I understand what you are saying and will ponder on that. I could of course do what I normally do and drive the centre fills from the mono output of my desk via a graphic EQ into the mono amp.
No need to over complicate things really - I really only use these on outdoor gigs where the stacks can be pretty far apart and sometimes, from an audience point of veiw, there can be a bit of a hole at stage centre. I just keep these at low level, really just to reinforce the vocals and mid range stuff.
My DRPA arrives tomorrow and I can't wait to put it through it's paces - I think I will have a pretty steep learning curve and am sure to be coming back to this forum over the next few days!
Kind Regards
Take advantage of "Start here" thread:
and these threads in the FAQ:
that should get you started..
Once you get the unit.. set it on a table and play with every knob and dial till you know what each does.. what it modifies and what it affects...you cannot screw anything up, you can modify every preset and a single press of a button on startup will zero the console to factory new...so go for it!
So, my Driverack arrived on Friday, except to my surprise it was a DRPA+ and not the DRPA I ordered. In fact I re-checked the dealer web site and they advertise this as the DRPA at avery good price but they are actually shipping the DRPA+ at the same price! To say I was pleased is an understatement!
Okay, I read all of your suggested pages, which helped me get my head around this before I took it out of the box. I dragged my console and FoH rack into the house, outed my ageing Behringer Active Crossover and GEQ unit and cabled in the DRPA+. I then did a basic set up by setting the gain structure and crossover points, saved this to User 1. Enough for one night, drank red wine, ate salmon.
Saturday - nice sunny day, set up my rig in the garden with 2 Subs, 2 'Bass' cabs (mid to upper bass) and 4 HK Mid/Tops.
Switch on, wait for blue smoke, play music. My God, this sounds okay! Tweaked the crossover points, listen again - not bad. Set up our RTA Mic, about 20 feet away (or 7 Metres if you are European like me), Auto EQ, crank up the pink noise, wait a few seconds and done!
Play same music. Jeez, what a revelation. This thing is amazing! It really is. I'm now listening to tracks that we always use for tuning our rig, and hearing stuff I've never really heard. Great lower Bass, tight mid Bass and sparkling Mid/Top. Kick drums kick! Just fantastic. The only additional tweak I made was to increase the Bass cabs crossover by 3dB.
I have to say I had my doubts that it would ever be this easy, there is some real crap on the web relating to the Driverack. I have been a BBC Sound Engineer for 30 years, working recorded music and Live Events (and now help my son with his PA Hire part time), and to be honest, very little (technology wise) ever makes me sit up and listen.
But this, well, it makes our previous set up sound amateur-ish. The old Berry crossover and Graphic were really holding things back. The system now sounds fab, flows with the music and is just a pleasure to use.
We have an outdoor gig with a jazz band this Sunday and then 4 days of outdoor stuff with pop/rock bands the following weekend and I know we will be rocking. I can't wait to push the system. I doubt I will use the Anti feedback section, we never had feedback problems and I don't see why we would now.
So, for anyone who has doubts about the sonic quality or ease of use of the DRPA+, forget it. Forget the rubbish on the web, just get one of these and play. Like you said Gadget, just play with every knob until you know it inside out - you can't do any damage.
A big tip would be to make sure you know your speaker cabs, know their limitations and work out from the manufacturers information, where to set the crossover points, but don't be affraid to experiment.
Welcome to the digital age!
Try using the Peq's to take care of some of the major Eq changes. Makes a big difference sonically ...less GEQ work translates into more sonic purity..