DBX ProVocal
I recently picked up a DBX ProVocal on my local craigslist. I'm very technically proficient, but new to compression (which is mainly what I want to use this unit for). Could someone offer some baseline settings for Threshold, Ratio, Gain, Attack, Release for vocals? Thanks!
If a performance is all over the place then ..ya..but it's been a while since I have had bands that are less than polished and professional.
Is this for studio or live use?
Paul White has a pretty comprehensive "studio" compression guide here...
http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/1996_ar ... ssion.html
and this(scroll down to "understanding compressor settings)
Here is dbx compression 101
ftp://ftp.dbxpro.com/pub/PDFs/WhitePape ... %20101.pdf
Remember that live compression depends a lot on the setup, and a number of other factors.. note also that compression can CAUSE feedback as the compressor hunts for a weak signal...