in your face rock vocal setting with dbx 286a
hello, I read on the dbx 286a manual that this unit is able to give you the so called "in your face rock vocal", but how am I supposed to get that? anybody could give me a rough setting just for an idea?
Look at the control it to a compressor like the 166xl.
the compressor section has:
Input gain
Drive and
The 166xl has:
an over easy setting
an auto setting...
all you can do with the 266 is set the input gain so that you have a good strong signal, then dial in the amount of drive, and set the density.. that in and of itself can cause problems in live sound as the higher the density the more compression your setting without the ability to control how that density is achieved...the drive is like a ratio control with a fixed attack and release... again fine in the studio, but live I find it not so usable..
again sorry...perhaps if you had investigated the product a bit more you would have noted that it was designed as an inexpensive PROJECT STUDIO processor...
actually many people use the 286a live with no beef, and the fact that it only has the drive and density it's because it's an over easy comp, suggested for those who are unexperienced with comps, the fact that it's no good for lives is your opinion, and yes you can have your opinion about this unit, but you didn't actually answer my question, I wanted to know more about this "in your face" setting and how it works, according to the 286a manual this setting is achievable, I just wanna know how without going off on a tangent
It ain't much, but it was at least an answer. Ads and manuals always over-simplify and over-sell a product.