Starting my DIY build
Greetings All,
Well, the Fane speakers are finally on the way and the Eighteen Sound's are here. I'm starting the cabinet building process now. Before I even cut the wood I have a question (which will probably reveal yet more newbieness) about the ports in the Fane 125 litre cabs: What about the tubes connected to the port openings? 4" pipe is mentioned. How long are they? I can't tell from the plans or the photo if there's a tube there. It looks like a 4" round hole to me. Gadget, in the DIY subs post talked about using wood blocks and brads to secure the tube. I think I understand the rest of the plans. The Eighteen Sound cab design has no tubes and seems simple enough for the 12 pages of plans they provide.
Next it will be about Smaart...
Well, the Fane speakers are finally on the way and the Eighteen Sound's are here. I'm starting the cabinet building process now. Before I even cut the wood I have a question (which will probably reveal yet more newbieness) about the ports in the Fane 125 litre cabs: What about the tubes connected to the port openings? 4" pipe is mentioned. How long are they? I can't tell from the plans or the photo if there's a tube there. It looks like a 4" round hole to me. Gadget, in the DIY subs post talked about using wood blocks and brads to secure the tube. I think I understand the rest of the plans. The Eighteen Sound cab design has no tubes and seems simple enough for the 12 pages of plans they provide.
Next it will be about Smaart...
Technical Data..
System Components:
Port Length: 162mm...
With 2, I put a 45 hz bw18 HPF and with 12 " tops a 118hz LPF. I added a PEQ @60hz bell Q=~3. cut 4-4.5dB.
another PEQ @ 100hz with a Q of about 1.5 and a cut of 3.6dB.
:? pretty much did that didn't I.... :?
Presonus StudioLive 16.4
DriveRack 260 -- the bomb!
DriveRack PA -- for monitors
DriveRack PX -- for drum monitor
D.A.S. RF 12.64 series tops -- very nice!
FANE Sub boxes loaded w/ P-Audio Challenger series C18-650EL
4 - EP2500 Behringer Poweramp (It does the job.....when they don't melt down)
Mac G4 loaded with Smaart
HP Laptop with 260 GUI
Presonus StudioMobile firewire interface used to run Smaart.
I have nearly ARRIVED!
Well -- I would like to have new amps like some XTi 6000's and another set of D.A.S. Tops -- then I would have to say I have arrived. By then Gadget will have me talked into something else that will shatter glass or rattle ceilings so bad it looks like it is snowing inside all year round! It has been a journey for sure and I love it. I could very easily run sound for a living if it called for it here but the weekends is all I get.
Keep at it George! Well -- I am off to CMA Fest Nashville. Four days of Tennessee titan stadium packed with the most rediculous sound system I have ever seen or heard. Last year the Kick drum just hammered you clear across to the other endzone. Very cool & of course Delay towers positioned just right. Man -- I would love to listen at the mix position and just observe.
Ya Mikey was down there and he had on of the acts and he said the rig was a D&B and there just wasn't enough power for the rig...Could have hooked you up with him but it was too late when I found out you were going...
The system in Nashville sounded good with some acts and not so good with others. Jason Aldean's band is awesome live. They really rock up country if you want to call it that. Rascal Flats on the other hand didn't sound like I expected. Kick was mushy and dull. Couldn't hear the guitar and vocals seemed distant. One year they had delay towers to keep it in your face and it sounded really good.
As for the: The BE is almost everything...some suck eggs...
I'd rather mix on almost anything than a JBL rig... (oh.. or Blose :roll: )
They did a fantastic job down there and pushing the event forward was the best thing they could have done. There were 300,000 - 400,000 people there that week & 50% of it went to flood relief and the remainder to other various organizations. NONE for the artists.
I also didn't see anyone pushing big screen T.V.'s down the street.
Since getting into sound systems -- I really missed the delay towers. Oh well, maybe next year.
I'm pretty good in the wood shop and was going to build some labs.
Should I consider the sub your talking about in this post instead and can you give the link to the specs your using?
They are plenty powerful enough for the venues I take them into and when really cranked -- some folks start to get a little nauseated. I can't imagine LabSubs in the venues I run for. I would like to try it though.
Here is the link to the Fanes:
I would really research this before dropping a ton of cash on subs. JBL SRX 728's $1,529 plus shipping $69.99 = $1598.99. Sure it is a dual 18 but for a few more bucks you can have four 18's that when coupled together will give you all kinds of free dB.
"FANE Sub boxes loaded w/ P-Audio Challenger series C18-650EL"
I thought the 125 liter subs are 15". ... 25Lres.pdf
If you want the best performance... use the Fane woofers. I believe Loudspeakers plus can get them again. OR MCM audio can special order them.
I can power these with a Soundesign AM/FM/8 Receiver right?
That will put a pucker in your sucker for sure...
ya... maybe a pair of those amps might be needed...
The speakers are 6 ohm,hmmm. I have 2 XTI 4000's
Parallel wiring each cab (3 ohm) and run 2 cabs (stereo) from each amp :?:
Around 1400 watts per cab :?:
2000 watts per cab is just about right.
There's the link for the Jed Clampett and other photos.