PR10 / PR-Sub tunings?
I know the latest firmware has these but my used one is only firmware 1.1
. Any chance anybody could have a peek into theirs and copy out the preset EQ for me? Thanks!

No x-over gains available since you didn't list you amps.
The only full range cabs I recall having PEQ settings in the Driveracks were the JBL M-Pro series.
Me thinks he was in a hurry...probably trying to beat us to the punch...
Excuse me? a 223? over a Driverack? that's just silly...
Hey think about it... if the manufacturers DID provide PEQ's for their speakers (ya you'll find some for subs .. but that's different.. and you will find PEQ's for bi-amp, tri-amp and so on speakers because the "passive" crossovers are not in question...) it would be like admitting that the speakers had flaws.. and that the next guy doesn't provide any tunings.. his speakers MUST be better! :roll: Truth is.. there isn't a speaker out there that doesn't benefit from SOME tuning...might not be much... might only require one 3dB nudge here or there, but the fact is even the top of the line multi thousand dollar speakers require tuning, Peq's and delays and variable crossover slopes and types.. NONE of which the 223 has... except variable crossover points...
No peq's
No Geq's
No delays
No Auto Eq
No Auto feedback suppressor...
No variable HPF and LPF
No limiters
No compressors...
No butterworth, Linkwitz Riley, or Bessel variable slope crossovers...
need I continue?
The Driverack has a HUGE tool set.. and here we have provided all the tools to use the Driverack tools.. did you see we have an FAQ section>?
and a "Start here" thread...
That takes you step by step through your system setup!
Find that on the Behringer site...Or the Auto Eq feature that when done properly offers you flat frequency response for better gain before feedback, and helps in those difficult rooms that are "LIVE" sounding..
So go back to the dark ages .. or step up to the plate and enter the digital age and be all you can be...
Be well
BTW is there any real advantage to upgrading the firmware? I've read it only adds presets? From what I understand that requires sending it in for service?