Driverack PX Help
Just purcahsed the Driverack PX as I am putting together a PA. The sales guy told me this would work but the instructions do not say how to connect my setup. I have 2 Yamaha S115IV cabinets that I am going to power with with a QSC 2450 and 1 JBL PRX 518S power subwoofer as speakers. The mixer is a Behringer 16 channel unpowered. How do I connect this setup? Will this model Driverack work?? Help!
It makes little difference if the speakers are powered inside.. or outside. The limitations are stereo 2 way or stereo 4 way (tops and subs) or you can easily forget about the right channel all together and have a mono 2 way system...The PX has the same xover types as the DRPA it is just limited by the number of outputs..and no delay.
So, if you want stereo outputs.. select a 2x3 setup. This will get you a stereo tops, mono sub (left mono out...)
I am setting up a similar rig right now... with Anchor Extreme powered tops and a pair of passive subs run mono through an external amp. (backwards from what you have but still...)
Mixer out to L/R PX ins...hi L/R PX outs to the hi amp ins...
Left Low (mono) out to powered sub.
Now, I want you to go to the "READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING" section...and the FAQ section:
and learn how this whole thing ties together. Were willing to help but you need to learn how to use this equipment. It WILL be your friend but you need to get your learn on.The PX will do most of the work but YOU need to be able to tell it what you want.
Were here ... almost always...
Try this:
HPF out/ or 20hz LR12 effectively letting the sub limit it's own HPF
LPF (the highest point we want the subs to go) 118hz LR24
HPF 118hz LR24
This will put the subs from 37-118hz, and the tops from 118hz up
read the Auto Eq posts in the FAQ section before attempting the Auto Eq
What it would need is a pair of jacks that say 'mixer out', and a pair that says 'amplifier in'...