System tuning tips, specially tweeter needed
I'm new member in this forum and I have had PX two months now. PX seems to be quite
impressive device, thanks! I live in Finland, Europe...
My threeway PA system consists of RCF L18S801 for subs and satellites with RCF L10 750YK (midbass) and BMS 4538 (tweeters). Satellites
have 1.9kHz passive crossover. I use two T amp 2400 amps, 850W/8ohm/channel.
I have tuned my cabinets so that I have nearly linear response below 500Hz.
Sensivitity: Subs 99,5db, midbass 100db, highs 114db
I use B&C ME15 aluminium horn for tweeters.
I have noticed that my tweeters sounds little prominent specially at low volumes. PX cuts allready some high frequencies.
BMS 4538 sensitivity seems to be quite high referred to subs and midbass.
What are your suggestions?
1. Is this OK?
2. Should I use Lpad passive resistor attenuation for tweeters? or
3. Should I use only EQ for highs, same result?
I have noticed before that Lpad affects potitively in some situations, specially for overall balance of transducers, but is there some drawbacks?
Any advices are wellcome
Pekka Kortelainen
I'm new member in this forum and I have had PX two months now. PX seems to be quite
impressive device, thanks! I live in Finland, Europe...
My threeway PA system consists of RCF L18S801 for subs and satellites with RCF L10 750YK (midbass) and BMS 4538 (tweeters). Satellites
have 1.9kHz passive crossover. I use two T amp 2400 amps, 850W/8ohm/channel.
I have tuned my cabinets so that I have nearly linear response below 500Hz.
Sensivitity: Subs 99,5db, midbass 100db, highs 114db
I use B&C ME15 aluminium horn for tweeters.
I have noticed that my tweeters sounds little prominent specially at low volumes. PX cuts allready some high frequencies.
BMS 4538 sensitivity seems to be quite high referred to subs and midbass.
What are your suggestions?
1. Is this OK?
2. Should I use Lpad passive resistor attenuation for tweeters? or
3. Should I use only EQ for highs, same result?
I have noticed before that Lpad affects potitively in some situations, specially for overall balance of transducers, but is there some drawbacks?
Any advices are wellcome

Pekka Kortelainen
I believe you will also find that the higher you go volume wise the greater the linearity skew will be...I suggest that you use a PEQ for this purpose, as you indicated the Lpad has deleterious effects on the phase and I believe linearity of the drivers.
I also set up presets for different volumes.
As fort the PEq's (there are 3 on the hi outs) you could set up a high shelf, or a Bell and try different center frequencies and 'Q' and play with the gain and see how that helps...
I'll do some research with PEQ...