sound cutting out
I am getting an intermittant signal loss to the amp from the DRPA+ which is resulting in a loss of sound. I tried turning off the limiter and compressor, changing cables, turning off the AFS but nothing is working. The signal is lost to both the tops and subs. Everything works fine when I bypass the DRPA+ so I am certain it is the problem. Any troubleshooting advice would be appreciated.
You didn't say if shutting the unit off and back on brings back the sound? I am assuming it does...
You may need to do a reset, but make sure you have the settings of anything you have changed in your user presets.. it WILL be lost in a hard reset...
I double checked everything and I noticed that the gain button on the rear was in the +4 dbu position rather than the -10 dbv where it should have been. I must have accidentally pushed it when inserting a cable. Would this possibly cause the cutting out?
Either way, it looks like I'll be returning this unit as it is still under warranty. Hopefully the next unit will be more reliable.