260 stability vs PA
Currently own a DRPA. Had it just over a year.
I have had all kinds of weird issues with it since Oct last year. Posts on it in the PA forum here have indicated that it is VERY susceptible to power issues. Most recent problem (last Sat night), the sub (summed, 2x5 config) was burping and farting.. Tried all the usual procedures (power cycle, change cables, different source, etc) but still same same result, so concluded the sub (Yorkville LS800P) was on the fritz. Bench-checked the sub (dismantled sub, checked connections, 9v test on speaker coil, etc) and the DRPA at home Mon night. Both worked fine. Tested them separately on a different system/venue last night. Again both fine!!
Prior DRPA issues have included losing one side of my stack after running fine for 3 hours; losing mids on one side, losing HF on the other side later that night (after repatching the mids), yada, yada, yada.
My issue is now one of RELIABILITY, as I do not know from gig to gig what kind of FOH issue to expect - with all roads appearing to lead to the DRPA and power supply issues. It's no longer an acceptable risk for me !! And I'd bet that if I sent the DRPA in for repair, I'd get a NTF (No Trouble Found) response.
So-o-o, looking for some advice.
Based on MY factors ($$, reliability, etc), realistic choices are:
1. Upgrade to a DR260 (familiar with its feature set)
2. Buy a rack-mount UPS for the DRPA
Either way, I'm going to spend approx. the same $$. Going with #2 will add 50+lbs to my amp rack, and need a battery replacement every few years, plus it will be running in high-humidity situations with multiple outdoor gigs during summer/fall months.... iffy ?
My choice would be #1, but not if I'm going to get more of the same as I have with the DRPA.
So, how does the DR260 handle power fluctuations ? Better than DRPA?
Suggestions, recommendations, feedback welcome !
I have had all kinds of weird issues with it since Oct last year. Posts on it in the PA forum here have indicated that it is VERY susceptible to power issues. Most recent problem (last Sat night), the sub (summed, 2x5 config) was burping and farting.. Tried all the usual procedures (power cycle, change cables, different source, etc) but still same same result, so concluded the sub (Yorkville LS800P) was on the fritz. Bench-checked the sub (dismantled sub, checked connections, 9v test on speaker coil, etc) and the DRPA at home Mon night. Both worked fine. Tested them separately on a different system/venue last night. Again both fine!!
Prior DRPA issues have included losing one side of my stack after running fine for 3 hours; losing mids on one side, losing HF on the other side later that night (after repatching the mids), yada, yada, yada.
My issue is now one of RELIABILITY, as I do not know from gig to gig what kind of FOH issue to expect - with all roads appearing to lead to the DRPA and power supply issues. It's no longer an acceptable risk for me !! And I'd bet that if I sent the DRPA in for repair, I'd get a NTF (No Trouble Found) response.
So-o-o, looking for some advice.
Based on MY factors ($$, reliability, etc), realistic choices are:
1. Upgrade to a DR260 (familiar with its feature set)
2. Buy a rack-mount UPS for the DRPA
Either way, I'm going to spend approx. the same $$. Going with #2 will add 50+lbs to my amp rack, and need a battery replacement every few years, plus it will be running in high-humidity situations with multiple outdoor gigs during summer/fall months.... iffy ?
My choice would be #1, but not if I'm going to get more of the same as I have with the DRPA.
So, how does the DR260 handle power fluctuations ? Better than DRPA?
Suggestions, recommendations, feedback welcome !
There is no need to get a huge, expensive rack mount UPS.. I run a $29 el-cheapo that can only run the drpa for a few minutes.. but that's all that's necessary...
The 260's I have have never faulted and I have head 3 for 6-7 years now and thousands of gigs, I really haven't had any trouble with the DRPA's I have either though...
Are you passing a generic signal (unprocessed by the DRPA), or are you using PEQ's or compression etc? Send too hot of a signal?
Could you give me a hint/link as to which rack-mount "el-cheapo" UPS you are using ?
Much as I would like to upgrade to a 260, if I can stabilize the DRPA issues with a relatively inexpensive UPS, then due to budget constraints (times is tough), that would be my 1st choice.
I'll take a look at the cable.. and we can go from there.
would something like this work as a UPS ?
Have not looked inside the DRPA, and NOT purchased a UPS unit.
Have done FIVE gigs since my last post and on EVERY one of them, I made sure that nothing but the DRPA (+ HF/MF amps) were hooked up to single circuits, and I have not has a single issue.
Assumption is that previously observed issues are totally power related and nothing else.
Will consider the purchase on a UPS, but not sure that will solve/prevent anything.
Hope this feedback may help someone out...
and thanks to Gadget/Dra for their input.