House system with Eon 10's, mono active sub & DRPA questions
Hello all, "new to the forum" guy here. Just wanting some refresher input basically.
I'm an old sound guy with nominal system tech experience, but not very familiar with the DRPA. I understand the applicable parameters as with most processors, just haven't had any hands-on exp. with the DRPA.
I've been mixing a few acts at a relatively new, small to med. local venue. As time has gone on, I've noticed a distinct drop in overall level with their system. They run several different acts through there on weekends mainly with no "dedicated/assigned" sound person familiar with anything about the system. The mgr. (who knows how to push a fader up....that's about it.) looks forward to me coming in when my clients hire me for mixing duties.
Well, tonight I have another gig up there and I'm going in a bit early to try and sort some issues out.
Question is, is it possible that with the AFS feature, the filters have sucked the life out of the spectrum and needs to be reset, thus contributing to the "drop" in level? At first, I was just going to raise the input level a bit on the Eons, but I'm thinking I need to start at the DRPA first to see what or who knows who's hands has been fiddled with.
Thanks and any and all suggestions are welcome.
I'm an old sound guy with nominal system tech experience, but not very familiar with the DRPA. I understand the applicable parameters as with most processors, just haven't had any hands-on exp. with the DRPA.
I've been mixing a few acts at a relatively new, small to med. local venue. As time has gone on, I've noticed a distinct drop in overall level with their system. They run several different acts through there on weekends mainly with no "dedicated/assigned" sound person familiar with anything about the system. The mgr. (who knows how to push a fader up....that's about it.) looks forward to me coming in when my clients hire me for mixing duties.
Well, tonight I have another gig up there and I'm going in a bit early to try and sort some issues out.
Question is, is it possible that with the AFS feature, the filters have sucked the life out of the spectrum and needs to be reset, thus contributing to the "drop" in level? At first, I was just going to raise the input level a bit on the Eons, but I'm thinking I need to start at the DRPA first to see what or who knows who's hands has been fiddled with.
Thanks and any and all suggestions are welcome.
It's more likely that they have set limiters, or compressors...these are represented by the yellow /red led's at the top of the output led ladders...If your seeing red, then the set threshold has been exceeded. Also if they are the problem, then the more you push the faders the more you will squash the sound...
Is this a DRPA+ or the older DRPA?
As for the correct setup for the AFS, this article might help...
There are a number of helpful FAQ's here:
And a good setup guide here:
That will help with you setup and gain structure to help you find the problem..
Overall though, a flat system response will go a long ways toward eliminating even the potential for feedback... I seldom if even use or need the AFS any more. See the FAQ's associated with auto EQ..
Keep us informed ok 8)
If they're set on speech, then it is 1/5th, I believe. Still way smaller than a EQ band.