Help I need some help fast!! xover questions!
Please help! I just purchased the Driverack PA +. Having traded in my other gear to get this I am a bit stumped, this is only because I have a show tommorow night and this has to be done fast and I dont have the time right now to read everything I need to lol ! My main issue is where to set the crossover points?? Just for the show for now. I am using two Tapco 6915 passive tops and Two Peavey passive 118 subs, I have two power amps, one for the tops one for the subs both amps are qsc gx-5 just for some info, My problem is that once I get my kick drum sounding killer !! Then the vocals dont sound as good?? and vice versa..Its driving me nuts with time running out here lol..Our singer likes alot of highs in her vocals, I also do to apoint, I love the click sound but not to much and overall a nice tight sounding kick..Also should I mess around with the delay settings for now? or leave them alone..The venue we are at tommorow night is a small nightclub with a capacity of 150 but I do like to punch them in the cheast with kick, with all this in mind can someone give me a fast setup to use just for this gig and then I will have the time to go though everything the right way, should I leave the compressor section off for now? all that stuff! Thanks so much guys! I promise to read the faq section and everything else as soon as I have the time but get me going for now! Thanks!! Bill

Set up a 2x3 (mono sum subs) or 2x4 in the wizard using all custom or you can insert the actual product if it's listed.. matters not
load that preset by pressing the encoder
press the [preset] button ignoring the auto level for now. (this is like a home key)
press the [xover] button note that the upper left of the display has an HL...that is corresponding to the hi and low outputs (there isn't a M unless you select a 3 way system)
Hilight the "L" by successive presses of the xover button
Were working on the subs now...set the HPF @45hz BW18
Set the LPF @ 100hz LR24
toggle to the H and select the HPF and set it @100hz LR24
save the preset by 3 successive presses of the [store] button. You will need to:
name the preset
select a location for the preset (which preset are you going to overwrite)
verify that you want to overwrite that preset.
Now your at the "balance the outputs" could... (if you have the measurement mic) go back and do the auto level phase, OR simply play some good fullrange music and manually turn down the louder amp
HOWEVER you really should do a gain structure.. as per this post...
it really only takes a few minutes to read the post and do the gain structure but the benefits are HUGE.
then if you have the measurement mic do the auto eq it makes a huge difference!
There is no HPF in the High outs..that is why I posted none...