Vocal help
My new problem, why are the vocals not cutting though enough? I should not be having a problem, I have a qsc gx5 for the two mains it is plenty of power and I dont think the band is outrageously loud as to bury our singer? am I missing something in the crossover department? or some other adjustment? at unity gain that vocal mic should be blasting it out its am sm58. Just doesnt seem loud enough. I feel I have enough power Im just not sure if I am utilizing it right, our guitar player has turned it down a notch, I need to get the gain up on her vocals.Any tips would be helpfull, the kick sounds awesome everything else if fine, maybe its her mic techniqe? I dont know but I do know I am not spending any more money on power..2000 wats seems like enough for me lol..thx
For my 2 subs and 2 tops I have almost 10,000 watts and sometimes it just isn't enough...Granted they aren't your run of the mill speakers...
But, if your getting "awesome kick" then I suspect there is something else going on here...
Did you do a gain structure?
What procedure are you using on her vocal? What is the gain set on her channel?
what happens if you turn the gain up on her channel (not talking about the fader.. the INPUT gain
Are you using any eq (channel strip) on her voice? ...but then again that lo-mid-hi eq with no sweep is kinda useless...
Did you auto eq?
Feedback in mains?
Look I wasn't "Bashing" your speakers, but the fact is, The Tapco line is Mackie's "budget" speakers, and, for instance, the driver in my 2 way tops costs more than twice what the whole tapco 6915 did (they have been discontinued)...I was making a point...15 inch speakers make poor midrange speakers for vocal reproduction, and the fact that they are matched to a 1" horn that crosses north of 2000 hz allows the 15" speakers to beam frequencies between 400 and 2000+ hz. This can cause many problems with clarity and directionality.
No, you need to begin @ the preamp of the mixer...We have provided a downloadable CD in the FAQ section
They make a big difference...that is what I have(12" 2way with 2" horns)...I love the way they sound. For about $1500 for a pair, you can get a really professional speaker that will blow you socks off... otherwise your just polishing a turd...(with cheap speakers... sorry)
Your best bet is to auto eq and see if you can't tame those things...