480 drive rack help for 4 way crossover setting
I have a 480 drive rack i want to set up 4 way HI & HI MID & LOW MID & SUB
am looking for help to get a decent crossover settings for a 4 way system, give thanks
am looking for help to get a decent crossover settings for a 4 way system, give thanks
I told him I am buried.. and EQ and Peq settings sight unseen... I don't think so, basic crossover settings... maybe, but these are proprietary cabs and it doesn't look like the appropriate driver for the cab were used...
So, I am bushed, and interested in your thoughts...
You have to understand that tuning a 2 way speaker is dicey... you can do a lot more damage if you don't know what your doing than just letting the passive crossover take care of the crossover...your trying to go 4 way and that has so many potential cans of worms that I can't even begin to tell you.. Dennis can. because he works with SMAART... but to tune a totally passive 4 way system... and get it right ... without the tools... your chances of getting it right are slim... unless you have some serious chops tuning systems without tools or years and years of experience.
This is REALLY difficult...
Gotta get some sleep...
Gadget and Dennis