Sabine Graphiq
Ok I've pretty much decided to go with a DriveRack 260 but I've been reading about the Sabine GraphiQ2 GRQ3122 and it also has the features I'm looking for. Does anyone here have any experience with it?
Plusses for the Sabine include a well written manual and software that seems more intuitive to me though I have no direct experience with either unit yet.
Plusses for the 260 include more outputs, which will probably be the deciding factor for me.
Roy Curet
Plusses for the Sabine include a well written manual and software that seems more intuitive to me though I have no direct experience with either unit yet.
Plusses for the 260 include more outputs, which will probably be the deciding factor for me.
Roy Curet
Inputs 2
outputs 6
HPF Variable, numerous slopes and types
LR/BW/BS up to 48dB/oct
LPF same as above
FBX 6 filter types (variable Q), live filter
lift, with variable hold time
Compressor Auto,
over easy, selectable #
threshold , variable
ratio, variable
gain, variable
Attack, variable
hold, variable
release, variable
Limiter same as above
Delay 2.7 sec fully re-distributable to
inputs AND 6 outputs
Crossover 1x1 to 2x6 crossovers, filters,
bandpasses, LR/BW/BS slopes to
48 dB/oct
PEQ?GEQ 28 band GEQ (switchable) to 9 band
PEQ + 4 PEQ's per output total
42 PEQ's
Control GUI Serial, one unit only GUI control up to 8 units at a time
Graphic Eq small LCD or GUI (no tactile surface) actual faders you can touch (software control
Inserts 2 selectable None
sub harmonic synth
notch filter
Sabine GRQ2
Input 2
Outputs 2
HPF variable xover point, fixed type and slope 12dB/oct
LPF variable xover point, fixed type and slope 12dB/oct
FBX 6 filter types (variable Q), live filter 2 filter types
lift, with variable hold time
Compressor Variable Ratio,threshold, gain
Limiter ?
Delay 1 sec distributed between ... 2 outputs?
Crossover 1x2 BS/BW/LR (software only)
PEQ?GEQ 31 band GEQ 12 available PEQ's per channel
24 peq's
Control GUI/ tactile control, up to 8 units at a time
Graphic Eq actual faders you can touch (software control)
Inserts None
Auto Eq no
That's some of the differences... On the PSW (Pro sound web)I have never seen ANYONE who has a Sabine unit post there... that is not to say that they are bad. I have heard good things about Sabine, just letting the features list speak for itself.
I tried to make it a side by side graph type... but it didn't work...
It is not a true x-over. It only has filters that are high & low shelf.
I'm not sure what market Sabine was going for, but it obviously is not the DriveRack market.