Martin Mach Speaker Tunings with DriveRack PA+
Good day to one and all! I hope everybody is well?!
I am after some advice with regards to speaker tunings for some Martin Mach Speakers. These are to be used in conjunction with a DriveRack PA+, however I can't seem to find any tuning information anywhere. The only thing I have found is the user manual for them.
I have the following:
Mach TX15F x8 (Full Range)
Mach TXS18 x4 (Sub Woofer)
Technical Specs
Mach TX15F
Woofer: 15"
Compression Driver: 1"
Power Handling (RMS): 350W
Power Handling (Program): 700W
Sensitivity (1w/1m): 97 dB
Maximum SPL: 122 dB
Frequency Response: 40-20k Hz
Nominal Impedance: 8 ohm
Mach TXS18
Woofer: 18"
Compression Driver: N/A
Power Handling (RMS): 350W
Power Handling (Program): 700W
Sensitivity (1w/1m): 98 dB
Maximum SPL: 123 dB
Frequency Response: 46-160 Hz
Nominal Impedance: 8 ohm
Could anybody suggest the best way of setting these speakers up on a driverack PA+. It will be a standard 2x4 setup I would have thought.
Your time is appreciated!
Regards Bloggy
I am after some advice with regards to speaker tunings for some Martin Mach Speakers. These are to be used in conjunction with a DriveRack PA+, however I can't seem to find any tuning information anywhere. The only thing I have found is the user manual for them.
I have the following:
Mach TX15F x8 (Full Range)
Mach TXS18 x4 (Sub Woofer)
Technical Specs
Mach TX15F
Woofer: 15"
Compression Driver: 1"
Power Handling (RMS): 350W
Power Handling (Program): 700W
Sensitivity (1w/1m): 97 dB
Maximum SPL: 122 dB
Frequency Response: 40-20k Hz
Nominal Impedance: 8 ohm
Mach TXS18
Woofer: 18"
Compression Driver: N/A
Power Handling (RMS): 350W
Power Handling (Program): 700W
Sensitivity (1w/1m): 98 dB
Maximum SPL: 123 dB
Frequency Response: 46-160 Hz
Nominal Impedance: 8 ohm
Could anybody suggest the best way of setting these speakers up on a driverack PA+. It will be a standard 2x4 setup I would have thought.
Your time is appreciated!
Regards Bloggy
You have a very good point, should have put that information on there to start with
At the moment I am running 2 Mach TX15F tops and 2 Mach TXS15 subs.
I have the following amplifiers available:
2x QSC RMX2450
1x QSC RMX1450
3x QSC MX1500a (Old amplifers that were given to me) (350W @ 8Ohms)
1x Crown XTi 1000
1x Crown XTi 4000
At the moment I am using each channel of the Xti 4000 to run one sub (Not a particularly good amp for subs I know) and one of the QSC RMX2450 to run the tops. Unfortunately the speakers cannot be bi-amped. (Made a huge difference on JBL SRX speakers as recommended by you!)
By all means if you can recommend a better way of setting all this lot up with more of the speakers I would much appreciate it! Not a necessity though.
I can post all the power amp information if you would like?
Anyway, those are 90x40 pattern and as such won't play well with per side.
The XTi4000 is 650/@8 3200 bridged
RMX2450 500/@8 2400 bridged
MX1500 350/@8 1000 bridged
you can use up to 1400 watts safely (in small bursts)
The tops, you could use an RMX 1500 on each bridged (I have one and it's heavy but sounds good)
subs, The Xti bridged, with 2 subs, or if your careful an RMX 2450 bridged (too much power but if you set the limiter on the amp the power drops to about 1800 watts
Set up a 2x3 (assuming stereo tops and mono subs) that would be stereo fullrange tops and mono subs.
Set an HPF of 48hz BW18 set an LPF of 100 hz LR24 subs
Set an HPF of 100 hz LR24 Tops
Hi outs L/R to MX
Lo left mono out to XTi
Are you doing auto eq?
Thanks you very much for the prompt and detailed reply.
As this is going to be a part of an installation for a bar where purely DJ's are playing (including myself) I will probably use the Auto EQ once I have configured the amps and positioned/installed the speakers.
This will be a part of an installation for a bar that I am involved with, however with quite a tight budget. I will use the MX1500 bridged for each top (I agree they sound good) and most likely the XTi for the subs (As I wont always be there people might start turning knobs and pushing buttons in the rack, don't want that!).
There are also a couple of monitor speakers to install for the DJ but that really isnt too hard to work out...... Just got to decide what speakers to get.
Thanks for all settings for the DRPA+, much appreciated. Will save me alot of messing about! If there is anything else you can suggest/recommend that could improve this, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Much appreciated
We have a new "best" auto Eq indoor method... see below:
Note that the speaker is on it's side, tilted slightly forward so that the horns center point aims at the location the the mic is... and the mic should be a fraction of an inch/centimeter from the ground.. a hard surface is needed.m Oh, and in subsequent passes I put a towel on the mic stand and any hard surfaces near the speaker.
If you have more subs... put 4 in on the XTi in stereo, 2 per channel... if you get them together in one spot (like across the front and hang the tops you will get a MUCH better sound, and bass response. You will get 3db for the interface with the floor for each box, AND 3dB of free sound for each speaker that is coupled together by close proximity... AND a smoother frequency response! WIN WIN WIN!
Thanks for the additional info with regards to position of mic for auto EQ. My original intention was to hang speakers, one just set in from the corner of the room angled towards the centre of the dancefloor (Where i will position the mic to do Auto EQ). Would you recommend then positioning all four subs in between the tops.
| O-- - - - - - --O |
Like this bad attempt at a 'drawing' looking front on at the speaker positions? 'O' indicates speaker and 'S' indicates Sub.
I think you should do the ground plane method first before you hang the tops Store that as a "FLAT" preset without the subs...then when you hang the tops you can do another auto eq and see what the room is doing to the sound...