oldie but goodie
Gents I have a few DBX pieces that I have just recently found out are discontiued or vintage pieces. Back in the early nineties I purchased a noise redux unit, a subharmonic synth, a 3 bx and a 5 bx range expander. The connections at the rear of the units are rca type connections. I still think I would like to use the items however I feel they are obsolete in this digital age for home use or any use for that matter; Im not parting with them though. Currently HDMI connections are in use for my home surround system. Do these older units have a place in todays digital age, can they be configured for HDMI connections, am I out in left field and just need to upgrade if I want to experience pure sound etc etc etc, thank you.
I laughed a bit because those units are for audio restoration, to eliminate tape noise(hisss, and wow and flutter), and replace limited and lost audio (limited frequency response, and dynamics) from audio tapes (acetate)... so whats the funny part?
HDMI is ultra hi definition video AND audio...especially the audio!
Don't feel alone...I have a 3bx a 5bx a 118x and a whole shelf full high end Cassette decks like, Nakamichi, Revox and Teac.