Output problem DR260
Hello All,
I have a Driverack 260 sending LFs to a Crown CDi1000. I noticed a slight imbalance in the output from left to right and measured it with an SPL meter. At 50Hz (the frequency I chose to measure) there was an output imbalance of about 7dB. Is there some way I can measure theoutput of the DR 260 to determine if the problem lies between the processor and the amplifier? Then, is there a way I can measure the actual output of the amp to determine if the problem is possibly either the amp or the subs?
The signal chain is Emu 1616M into the DR260, out to the Crown. Everything uses TRS to XLRs thoughout, though I cannot stand the horrible Phoenix/Euroblock connectors on the Crown.
I have a Driverack 260 sending LFs to a Crown CDi1000. I noticed a slight imbalance in the output from left to right and measured it with an SPL meter. At 50Hz (the frequency I chose to measure) there was an output imbalance of about 7dB. Is there some way I can measure theoutput of the DR 260 to determine if the problem lies between the processor and the amplifier? Then, is there a way I can measure the actual output of the amp to determine if the problem is possibly either the amp or the subs?
The signal chain is Emu 1616M into the DR260, out to the Crown. Everything uses TRS to XLRs thoughout, though I cannot stand the horrible Phoenix/Euroblock connectors on the Crown.
First thing...unplug the right input...listening to the sub swap the left input to the right... does the level change? (of course on the 260 they are actually labeled 1 &2)
Next do the same with the other input....does the level change...if not...
Unplug the Right output ...note the level of the left channel...now plug that cable into the right output...
GUI and change the low outs to mono, you can select The left input, right input or left + right!
Another way would be to simply unplug the input and output cables and plug them directly together... of course there would be no hipass filter and the subs would produce whatever they could frequency wise...
First though... check your input mixer and see if it is balanced (should be at -0- dB) etting the same
Next check that your stereo linked (both channels getting the GEQ)
Check that the limiters and the compressors are all off or exactly the same..
be sure that the sub synth isn't on.. on one channel and not the other.
Try those things and report back, that should eliminate cables, modules, and tell you if it's the amp...
I have the 3000 and I just made up a jack pannel... euroblock out to an XLR like a normal amp
Anway, thanks Gadget. I swapped the output of the DR260 and the problem still existed on the original side. So, now we're down to the amp's output or the sub itself. Everything else has the balance set correctly, and I'm using the DSP Off preset on the amp. I'll follow a few more steps and keep you posted.
Resistance on the subs might be a good place to start, but the best is probably the speaker wires (the whole divide thing
Have you verified the cables from the DR to the amp... :? of course you have... sorry...
Edit: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdet ... er=295-464
http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdet ... er=300-640
and they sound extremely good for the money..ike em WAY better than my JBL studio monitors...