a few probs.. need some ideas
I posted the following on prosoundweb and received no replies. As we are using an iEQ across FOH I thought I'd ask here too....
Did a gig last night (the one mentioned in my other thread..) and had a few odd things occur. I was hoping someone could clear up what may have caused them
The first oddity was a delay of about half a second between the source material (me) and the PA. Plugging into a channel at FOH for talk to stage and tuning resulted in this strange delay. The signal path contained no processing, just the FOH graphic, crossover (analogue) and amps. I was at the end of a 50m multicore.
The second issue I encountered was a dramatic level difference between the left and right stacks. I didn't have time to troubleshoot leads so had to make up the lower gain on the crossover. I wouldn't have considered this too abnormal, probably just a signal lead or speaker cable but combined with the above issue and the fact that vocals sounded like they had a very subtle chorusing effect on them I'm concerned there is a deeper problem. I was mixing a string quartet (electric, di'ed) and 1 vox. I couldn't hear the chorusing issue on the strings, just the vox.
At one point I realised I had left TTS up in the monitors...... Thought I had found the source of the chorusing problem... FOH was being picked up by my mic, being sent to the monitors then picked up by the vox mic and back out FOH again. Remember that strange delay.... and we have chorusing. So muted my mic and the problem seemed to improve.
As we went along I started to realise that the issue was still there. The tone had changed but was still just as pronounced.
So what caused this?
We were running off three phase. The FOH desk and rack was running off the same phase (via 50m extension lead) as the stage power and FOH amps, with the monitors running off a second phase. The third phase had no load on it. (this is something I need to learn more about.)
Was this a voltage drop issue to FOH? I've been working as a monitor operator for a company that runs a decent sized rig (up to 4 Martin Subs and 4 Martin wavefront tops a side). We always ran FOH mix pos' in this was and we never had any problems.
I appreciate anyone's thoughts.
Did a gig last night (the one mentioned in my other thread..) and had a few odd things occur. I was hoping someone could clear up what may have caused them
The first oddity was a delay of about half a second between the source material (me) and the PA. Plugging into a channel at FOH for talk to stage and tuning resulted in this strange delay. The signal path contained no processing, just the FOH graphic, crossover (analogue) and amps. I was at the end of a 50m multicore.
The second issue I encountered was a dramatic level difference between the left and right stacks. I didn't have time to troubleshoot leads so had to make up the lower gain on the crossover. I wouldn't have considered this too abnormal, probably just a signal lead or speaker cable but combined with the above issue and the fact that vocals sounded like they had a very subtle chorusing effect on them I'm concerned there is a deeper problem. I was mixing a string quartet (electric, di'ed) and 1 vox. I couldn't hear the chorusing issue on the strings, just the vox.
At one point I realised I had left TTS up in the monitors...... Thought I had found the source of the chorusing problem... FOH was being picked up by my mic, being sent to the monitors then picked up by the vox mic and back out FOH again. Remember that strange delay.... and we have chorusing. So muted my mic and the problem seemed to improve.
As we went along I started to realise that the issue was still there. The tone had changed but was still just as pronounced.
So what caused this?
We were running off three phase. The FOH desk and rack was running off the same phase (via 50m extension lead) as the stage power and FOH amps, with the monitors running off a second phase. The third phase had no load on it. (this is something I need to learn more about.)
Was this a voltage drop issue to FOH? I've been working as a monitor operator for a company that runs a decent sized rig (up to 4 Martin Subs and 4 Martin wavefront tops a side). We always ran FOH mix pos' in this was and we never had any problems.
I appreciate anyone's thoughts.
Is the GUI available for MAC? If not then its a no go....
The PA consists of 4x Mackie S408 and 2x S410s. I sure there won't be a pre-set available for these. The amps are a mismatch of cheap stuff, one Alto and the other something I haven't seen before or remember.... ( Tony something?)
The 260 will be there for system protection, only subtle eqing (try and get some low mids in these boxes), crossover and a mono delay send (Eon) for a gig once a month.
Hopefully I'll see 2 more S410s soon along with some QSC Powerlights to replace the crap in there now.
What I'd like to do is get the system sorted so that when I can convince them that they can do better than the Mackies everything else will be transferable with too much need for more.
Either that or we try to biamp the S408 (remove all internal processing and crossovers) so that we can run it as a 2 way box driven by the DR. Beyond my current skills but I'd like to give it a go.
Anyone seen it done?
http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxm ... oad_trial/
hang on.... The DR uses RS-232 damn.
How about some modern connectivity dbx!
I understand completely... Gates totally HOSED Jobs....and ever since, there has been a terrible competition...the 2 minds of the time going at it, but at our expense...Gates remains the villain, but Jobs is extracting a pound of flesh with his product...
I used to run my Macbook pro with bootcamp but found I didn't use it enough. I don't really feel like gin through the whole process to set iy up again. May have to though...