Vocals not cutting it?
Why the heck wont the vocals cut in the mix, every venue I play at a few people come up and say " we cant hear your singer well" Her chanell is jacked ! the gain is up and the lights are just below clipping so the power is there? She isnt the most seasoned singer as of yet when it comes to mic techniqe etc but still I feel the power is there? when our bass player sings his one and only song everyone hears him fine? Im stumped...same mics for both by the way sm58s. We elimited the floor wedges also and all of us went in ear as to get rid of the feedback issues with the monitors, Im just looking for any tips, things to look for etc that I may be missing, would a compressor help on her chanell insert, anything in the DR that can help? an outboard pre-amp? Tossing it out there hopefully I can get some tips ! Thanks
BTW..We just did a demo ourselves , everything went though the DR first, then out the mixer into the recorder, she can be heard fine here lol..CK it out here, im not happy with the Kick other than that its ok. http://brokenhalori.bandzoogle.com/fr_home.cfm
BTW..We just did a demo ourselves , everything went though the DR first, then out the mixer into the recorder, she can be heard fine here lol..CK it out here, im not happy with the Kick other than that its ok. http://brokenhalori.bandzoogle.com/fr_home.cfm
You could try building your mix around her vocal... meaning get her vocal up and present and then build the mix around her.
Do you always run her voice dry like that? Sounds very sterile. IA nice slapback and verb can really accentuate a vocal.
As Dennis said, use a sub master or 2 as a vocal "Gas" channel also
Try and get her to push it a bit more, her vocals tail off at the end of most of her words.
Also if your console has a sweepable mid, raise the gain 4-5 dB and sweep through the band till you find her strong point then use the gain setting to dial it in properly.
One other thing, on effects...She seems to hate them and I dont know why, always she makes me turn them down a liitle reverb is a good thing with delay but for some reason while im playing the drums and cant do anything , she walks over to the board and turns the effects aux down !! Singers lol...there tough...She is good however and a great stage presence so hopefully her skills will come in time , after all a band without hearing the lead singer good is worthless live
Tell her you'll break her fingers
The sub masters are put there as kind of a poor mans VCA.. that is to be able to group together and control any group of instruments/vocals ... like group 1 drums, group 2 instruments, group 3 vocals... I just label them GAS...and its the same principal as the mains.. and as Dennis said you get 3dB of potential gain...
I'm doing a mixdown now of a live band I did this last weekend, and it has 2 female speakers (you would DIE to have these two!!!) and even as awesome as they are they sound FAR better with a couple of good, subtle efx... the biggest bands in the WORLD use effects... but that's not good enough for her? PLEASE :roll: