DRPX input meters
Hi! Three week ago, I purchased DRPX and I would like to know your opinion. I’ve got some difficulties with level of input meters. The main outputs of my Soundcraft LX7ii are connected to the two XLR inputs of DBX. Compressor and limiter in Dbx are off. The dbx switcher +4db/-10db is in the “out� position +4db. The test signal is a sine wave 1 kHz. The signal runs through the mixer to the DBX. When the main output meters of mixer are at 0db, the input meters of Dbx are at -24db. If now switch limiter on with threshold 0bd, than threshold led lights. So, the limiter knows that output level is 0db, but output meters of Dbx are at -24db. If the switch +4/-10 is in position -10db, than the input meters of Dbx are at -6db. Never 0db at mixer and 0 db at input meters of Dbx. May be I do something wrong? What do you think about it? How tune the equal level at the mixer output meters and at the input meters of Dbx?
Thanks, Sergey.
Thanks, Sergey.
The Soundcraft meters have unit of measure DBu (dB voltage, 0,775 volt).
So, approximately the Dbx max input (output) level is +20dBu or 0dBFS.
The end.