Driverack PX set up help for JBL EON 515, 518
Hi There,
I am new here and i'm wondering if i can gain so advise from you learned people on the following.
I have a 4 piece band gig coming up to about 300 people and are using the following set up.
FOH: Top Boxes Eon 515 and Subs eon 518 into a Driverack PX and a soundcraft MFX12 desk.
After going through the set up wizard , choosing my boxes and subs , pinking the room , EQ and the AFS. Etc
As far as other functions go to tweak the system further on such things as
1. Compression: Overeasy 1-10, threshold, ratio, gain
2. Limiter: Overeasy 1-10, threshold, ratio, gain
3. Filter set up
4. PEQ
Do i need to adjust these parameters ? and if so for a lay person what sort of settings would be suggested as a guide to start with ?
Kind regards Mike
I am new here and i'm wondering if i can gain so advise from you learned people on the following.
I have a 4 piece band gig coming up to about 300 people and are using the following set up.
FOH: Top Boxes Eon 515 and Subs eon 518 into a Driverack PX and a soundcraft MFX12 desk.
After going through the set up wizard , choosing my boxes and subs , pinking the room , EQ and the AFS. Etc
As far as other functions go to tweak the system further on such things as
1. Compression: Overeasy 1-10, threshold, ratio, gain
2. Limiter: Overeasy 1-10, threshold, ratio, gain
3. Filter set up
4. PEQ
Do i need to adjust these parameters ? and if so for a lay person what sort of settings would be suggested as a guide to start with ?
Kind regards Mike
What method (be specific) did you use ? (mic position, number of speakers involved... etc
What type of music?
2 tops and 2 subs?
Thanks for the reply, to answer your questions the system hasnt been fired up yet
But will set up as follows
2 x Eon 515's and 2 x 518 subs ( so basically a 515 and 518 per side )
Music is top 40 cover band music , drums, bass , 2 x guitars , midi disk
Vocal situation is 4 vocals , 3 across the front line and drummer and the back.
In there, there it specifically says
so, to me that sounds like you set all that up and pinked the room, set up the AFS and eq... sounds like you set it all up...
If not, then what HAVE you done, and what are your questions?
The PX auto eq is tough thing to get right... have you read this :
Or seen these:
These things will help you set up and tune your system...
Thanks again for your kind reply. Im only new at this.
I will read the links , the main question i'm needing direction on is in your opinion if i go through the set up wizard in the PX from start to finish, after i do this is that all i should or need to do ?
or should i go and look at adjusting the other items mentioned or is not needed after i go through a set up wizard?
If the set up wizard becomes enough for my purposes great problem solved , if with your experience there is more tweaking i need to do then im all ears.
If not all then all good for me.
Thanks Mike
Those subs are FAR from awesome, so I suggest you place then together The middle, between the stacks is best, but either side is fine (there's usually a better location room dependent)
The thing is, that when you put speakers together you get 3dB of free output! That's almost 2x as loud!
Read the "Start Here" thread and those associated with Auto EQ int the FAQ section then come back with your questions.