Questions About Subharmonic Synth Feature
Hey all...just got my DRPX and so far am quite pleased with it, though I've only played with it in my living room with my DJ system. Inaugural run will be this weekend.
I understand what the subharmonic synth is supposed to but am confused by the screens. I doubt I'll ever really use it since I don't do mega bass heavy gigs are weddings and corporate events. But I still like to have good understanding of my equipment. thus, my questions are:
1. On the first Subharmonic screen, it says "Subharmonics %" and a range from 0-100%. When I set it at, say 30%, what it is actually doing?
2. On the second screen, I see "24-36hz Level" and "36-56Hz Level". When I adjust these, what is it doing?
3. When I turn the feature ON, what bass frequencies does it sample to synthesize the new "tone"? Since it reproduces the new bass tone at one octave lower than the sampled tone, I doubt the unti would be sampling a 40hz tone and producing a 20hz synthesized tone!! Thus, I'm thinking it would only sample the 60-100hz range to synthesize tones in the 30-50hz range.
I understand what the subharmonic synth is supposed to but am confused by the screens. I doubt I'll ever really use it since I don't do mega bass heavy gigs are weddings and corporate events. But I still like to have good understanding of my equipment. thus, my questions are:
1. On the first Subharmonic screen, it says "Subharmonics %" and a range from 0-100%. When I set it at, say 30%, what it is actually doing?
2. On the second screen, I see "24-36hz Level" and "36-56Hz Level". When I adjust these, what is it doing?
3. When I turn the feature ON, what bass frequencies does it sample to synthesize the new "tone"? Since it reproduces the new bass tone at one octave lower than the sampled tone, I doubt the unti would be sampling a 40hz tone and producing a 20hz synthesized tone!! Thus, I'm thinking it would only sample the 60-100hz range to synthesize tones in the 30-50hz range.
If 100% more input (double) yields 100% more output (double)...
If 100% more output (double) (volume, not db's) = twice the volume...
If twice the volume = +10db...
Therefore, half the volume = -10db
100hz tone @ 100db (50% setting) - add 50hz to output @ 90db
100hz tone @ 100db (100% setting) - add 50hz to output @ 100db
Gadget, I confused myself. :? Am I correct in any part of this?
Randy, Regardless of what it does where, introducing it can be very dangerous to the life of your speakers. If they sound good, leave it alone. If they don't sound good, well....
it kind of means the speakers can't reproduce those lower frequencies. If that is true then what makes you think they can reproduce even lower ones?
Use the PEQ's to fix any reponse problems and reproduce the sound as it was made.
The problem is, if your not running aux fed subs... the voice can get in and it sounds BAD...
I don't like it.. or need it,
you can get sub bass by using a PEQ and BOOSTING the really low frequencies (if any are present) but a Low C is 33hz, it would take a low "B" or synth key to have subsonics that would be worth enhancing
AND that kind information takes POWER and loads of it, so if your edison, or power amps are lacking in any way... forget it!