Low end Hum??
In between songs at the last gig we had a horrinle low end hum i guess you would call it it was loud, once we began playing again it would go away just as fast, it must have been coming in though the main vocal mic because a quick touch of the fader downward on that mic would take it away as a new song began I would turn it back to where it was and once we began to play it was gone , what a pain in the rump..anyway this was definatly caused by the bass guitar but I dont know why? I did have him in the mains just a touch , so Is this and im afraid it will be yes, a problem of the bass cab simply to loud on stage and causing vibrations of some sort that trigger that low end madness, should the bass be gated in the main mixer???? I hate to turn down my peq or geq on the low end because i have the kick sounding so good now, that by the way is one thing that bugs me on the DR You cant apply it to on a single chanell it goes on every chanell, as a second question, if i get a 260 will that let me eq individual chanells? thanks in advance, you are always helpfull ! By the way at least the vocals sounded great lol! if it isnt one thing its another..so this is the latest issue, hope to get some light shed ! thanks again, Bill
If it is a comp.. try NOT using makeup gain...
It's a good bet one or more of the drum heads is contributing to the mess so try mic position... EQ(on the drum mic.. cut some low end) HPF...gating is another option...
Make sure your not Comping the whole mix with the DR