DR260 should I??
I am considering now getting a 260, I have experiance now with the PA + AND THE PX....While im happy with the results i am not blown away and think it may be time for the 260, I read alot where gadget and others mention how valuble it is to have the time delay feature alone and the abilty to do things via PC, So far comparing the px and pa+ while there is a difference its not overwhelming of a difference, anyway the bottom line is I use 4 speakers all the time thats it two tops and two subs, monitors are all in ear now, so will I really notice a difference if I make that type of jump? is it money worth spending, is running aux fed subs better and would the 260 let me do that? I guess wnt you all to make the descision for me lol..Basically what will I gain with the setup I have playing mostly small to medium venues bars etc with the investment of the 260, is time alighnment a big deal with what I do?
On a single 260, aux fed subs can only be done if your PA is configured in mono...to do stereo you would need 3 inputs.
As far as I am concerned, time alignment is a big deal in any situation