QSC KW152 AND QSC KW 181 Crossover
Can some1 help with with Crossover setting for my dbx pa? I have 2 qsc kw 152 for top and 2 kw181 sub. If any1 can help that would be great for our band..thanks
Can some1 help with with Crossover setting for my dbx pa? I have 2 qsc kw 152 for top and 2 kw181 sub. If any1 can help that would be great for our band..thanks
40hz - 112khz... that's 112,000 hz
Ya right...so much for proof reading...that's supposed to be 40hz -112 hz... and that's the 6 dB down spec...
the 10dB down spec is 37hz- 129 (is this useful? no, not really...)
Ok, so what the hell DO we know then...?
We can actually go down to about 50 hz with the KW152... but that would be STUPID...So what are the criteria for selecting the crossover point?
The limiting factor here as I see it is the fact that you will only have 2 single subs... normally I would go for vocal clarity with a system... but here your limited by the low end.. so.. I guess I'd go with either 75 hz or 90 hz, and probably suggest LR 24 filter types... the HPF for the subs will be handled by the subs...
I would further suggest that you place the subs together... on one side or the other or better yet out front... but you simply DO NOT have enough low end... those tops will EAT those subs...(one per side) or at least over power them ...
In the wizard, set up a 2X3 (you could then go stereo tops and mono subs, or mono tops and mono subs and a single monitor on the driverack...(that would require a different setup...though) then load the config and go into the xover and set up the xover point.. (try both...it's easy).
Is that clear?
Set up a 2x3 or 2x4 in the wizard...if your specific speakers are no in the presets then simply select "custom"
Let the subs be their own HPF... so set the HPF in the DR to 30hz BW6
Set the HPF/LPF for the subs to top crossover @ 75 hz LR24 (this means the LPF for the subs and the HPF for the tops). Use the Hi outs for the KW152's and the left low out for the KW181's (use the direct out on the SW181 to daisy chain the subs)
Set tops to "normal"
Set the subs to "limit" and "normal" polarity...