Need Help.... DriveRack PA or 260?
Hey Guys,
I need some advice. I'm an experienced sound guy and would like to try to incorporate one of the driveRack systems into my church sanctuary. I want to use the Auto Feedback reduction, and compression/Limiting on the FOH mix (which is mono), but I'd also like to do the same for 2 separate monitor mixes going to the stage (to help with feedback). Is this a job for 2 seperate DR-PA's or can I configure the 260 to accomplish this task? I'll essentially need three paths. Am I even thinking along the right lines?
I need some advice. I'm an experienced sound guy and would like to try to incorporate one of the driveRack systems into my church sanctuary. I want to use the Auto Feedback reduction, and compression/Limiting on the FOH mix (which is mono), but I'd also like to do the same for 2 separate monitor mixes going to the stage (to help with feedback). Is this a job for 2 seperate DR-PA's or can I configure the 260 to accomplish this task? I'll essentially need three paths. Am I even thinking along the right lines?
I use 2 driveracks and get 3 monitor mixes and mono FOH.
Simply tuning the house and monitors flat will give you SIGNIFICANT feedback rejection...Adding the FBX and Comp/limiting. can make a big difference as well (as long as the compressor isn't asked to do a lot of makeup gain... which can cause feedback as the comp hunts for sound to amplify...)
Some processors have 3 inputs ... but most are much more money...
Next would be 2, 260's.. At about $1500
Next would be a 260 and a DRPA+ $1100-1200
Next would be 2 DRPA+ about $800
You should plan on getting the measurement mic ... another $80 this will be your best chance for feedback free sound
Then, go to the "Start here" thread:
and get your system set up
Then, go to the FAQ section:
and find the info on setting up a flat system and the 121.7 dB monitors...(this I used the DR260 or the 4800 on... the DRPA doesn't have enough PEQ's...
I went out and got 2 Driverack 260's like we discussed. I'm using them for a sound system at a church. One 260 is for the mono house (which has 2 mains and a sub), and then the second 260 is running a band monitor on one side and a vocal monitor mix on the other. I performed to the best of my ability, your Gain Structure and System set up info, but I felt like I was guessing because all of equipment was falling under CUSTOM when setting it up. The basic lowdown is that I loaded the 06 Template which is 2x4w/2 Zones on both my 260's, did the Setup Wizard Auto EQ, and AFS for both 260's. I know this isn't right, but I had to get through a church service. I only had feedback problems with one Countrymen E6 headset (PASTOR) feeding back, as he is soft spoken. I need help as I can't figure out how to tell the system exactly how I'm set up (and I'm not using the computer interface)
I have one full range mix, going into the house 260, and then I have one out going to the Mains and another out going to the sub. Which present should I use, or where can I find info on this set up, because the Manual is worthless here.
My second 260 has 2 separate monitor inputs and 2 going out. How do I isolate those and make those separate/independent for EQ/feedback elimination, as the manual is useless here as well.
Please help gadget, I'm reading as much of your stuff as I can, but I feel like I'm missing something as far as getting my system basically set up, from there....most of your stuff makes complete sense, but I need help here....
The other advantage of having the computer is if the preacher get too "dry", you can play solitaire. 8)
I've put out the call to get an old PC. How much does your wife want for your old PC....I'll pay shipping if it will work.
The thing is here you want to make custom setups...As Dra said you would have a MUCH easier time with a computer and the GUI... but barring that use the wizard for setup...
Select wizard by pressing and holding the 'wizard' system setup from the display and enter the setup wizard. You will be answering a series of questions regarding the system what your looking for is a 1X2 one input and 2 outputs (but you need to do a "config" to get this so just use what the wizard gives you here). Using the [next] button to toggle through the setup select 'AFS' on insert 1 and 'Notch' for insert passive tops and mono subs (both custom) the amps don't matter much either but if you have amps that are in the wizard select them...
Next you'll be taken to the routing page, I usually use the default... in this case tops are output 1 and 2 and even though the setup is stereo/mono simply use output 1 for the cluster and 3 for the sub...(ignore output 2) load the config.
Next go to the system screen (I call it the home screen) by pressing the [program] button. now press the [xover] button. you need to now set up the xover. Without specific information about the exact system I can only guess at the settings so here goes
HPF 47.5hz BW18
LPF 100hz LR24
tops HPF 100hz LR24
LPF LR6 12k
Use the encoder and [<prev] and [next>] buttons to navigate and modify the xover
set the AFS system to on, 6 fixed and 6 roaming live, medium...follow the directions in the "getting started" thread for gain structure and AFS setup
For the other 260 set up a 2X2 (2 ins and 2 outs (passive, custom tops) subs, none...
custom amps if not listed. Load config
select [program] (home key) select [xover] set the HPF @ 130hz LR24 and the HPF @ 10k LR6 this will limit the amount of low end and HF spraying around the stage and help limit feedback.
Again follow the directions in the Start here thread and then follow up with the Auto EQ threads in the FAQ section:
viewtopic.php?f=61&t=959 (start here thread)
viewforum.php?f=60 (FAQ's)
I got the computer working with both 260's individually and everything is working pretty much perfectly. Thanks so much DRA and Gadget. But now, what's the easiest way to make the computer see both of the 260's at the same time so I can make adjustments on the fly to both without switch my cable?
Perhaps this is the thread... under normal circumstances... only one 260 can be controlled at a time.
I remember having a conversation about this a long time ago. It involved running two DriveWares simutainiously with separate comports and separate USB to serial adapters. You would have to toggle between DriveWares. I can't remember if someone tested this or if it was just a theory we tossed around while doing morning coffee.