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G'day fellow dbx users from an Australian newbie

Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
edited 2011 29 in PA General Discussion
G'day all. I have been reading posts on here for the last couple of weeks, what a great forum :)

I am old school, but like so many, getting dragged and kicking into the digital age (this old school stuff was new when I was young). Now that I have bought a DRPA+ it may not be such a bad thing.

My PA started out 15 years ago as a hobby for a rough guitar playing vocalist at home and over the years it has gotten bigger than both of us.

Now I manage a Roadhouse (truck stop, permanent population of up to 4) in remote Western Australia and put the Rig in the Tavern for a bit of light relief for the staff and patrons (DJ, Karaoke, Live).

My DRPA+ was manually setup as none of my gear was in the database ... it sounds really good (far better than the BBE DS48), but me being me, will always be tweaking it looking for that "perfect" sound.

The rig is currently too big for the Tavern (I run the DRPA+ input at around -20 to -10db to shake the ceiling), but I think it is not big enough to use outdoors in the beer garden. The beer garden is approximately 30x40 metres.

The Australian made Quest 3004 amp (x2) is rated at 660W RMS @ 8ohms, 1,100W RMS @ 4ohms, 2,000W bridged. I am running stereo tops and subs.

Any suggestions to upgrade would be warmly welcomed.

Many thanks,



  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Hello again Peter...

    As far as the system goes are you looking to BUY or build, and what is your budget? I have provided some `DIY subs that kick pretty good, and 4 -6 outdoors should do some damage...

    But let us know what your thinking budget wise..
  • Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
    G'day Gadget,

    I'll buy what ever I need, bearing in mind I am in the middle of nowhere, halfway to everywhere. I don't have the facilities to build anything her. eBay has been a great source for me.

    One of my problems these days is that I can rarely audition a new piece of equipment, I have to read the sales blurb and sift through the excrement to get to the truth.

    A lot of the brands I see on here are not available or difficult to source in Australia, but maybe I can import with the Australian dollar being at an all time high now. BTW, the BBE distributor in Australia has pulled the plug on the brand and left parts and spares in limbo (not to mention that the distributor is over 5,000km from me on the east coast).

    Budget wise .... $5 grand tops over the next 12 months.

    Please .... suggest away.
  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Ya.. BBE sucks anyway...

    Try looking up these brands and let me know what you find...

    Peavey QW the tops are nice.. subs too but more spendy than the SP218, but same drivers...
    Peavey SP218 subs best bang for the buck here other than the DIYs' In my opinion...and they use the Lo rider driver! :mrgreen:

    D.A.S. specifically the RF1264, RF1294 and RF1564 and RF1594 NICE and here, the 1264/94 are around $800 each *(USD)

    Let me know what you find...

    Or look for some used high end speakers like EAW, or Meter, or Martin..Turbosound... etc..

  • Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
    Hi Gadget,

    Will do, I've also been looking at the EV PX2122 or PX2152 with PX2181 Sub. Any feelings on these?


  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Those would be sweet, but at $2000 and $2500...per cab ...kind blows the whole budget with 2 cabs doesn't it?
  • Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
    Gadget wrote:
    Those would be sweet, but at $2000 and $2500...per cab ...kind blows the whole budget with 2 cabs doesn't it?

    G'day Gadget,

    I priced these 4 cabs here yesterday from the EV distributor.... Just over $17,000 $AU List. Considering the $AU is at $1.05 to the $US (that's an instant 5% discount), freight costs must be horrendous in the U.S.(or we are really getting ripped off in Australia).

    While I'm on the subject, it's a pity dbx products don't have universal power supplies (110-250v) .... my DRPA+ retails at $1049.00 here, I paid $699.00 on eBay for mine. The 260 sells for around $1495.00.

    I am considering replacing the old EV Force speakers with either TX1122 or ZX3's. They come in at $1195 & $1395ea.

    Cheers :)
  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Hmmm...I could get 4 tops for $8000 (probably less) and 4 subs for $10,000.. (or less) and the factory is right down the road from my son, so no shipping...

    How will those fit into you budget?

  • Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
    That would be fantastic, however I'd have to budget that over 3 years :( By that time I guess there will be something better out by then.

    Thank you for the offer though.

  • GadgetGadget Posts: 4,915
    Silly...I was pointing out that they are made here and cheaper here...even if your dollar is stronger...

    Why not build some? I do...and they ROCK!
  • Peter.GordonPeter.Gordon Posts: 14
    I'd love to build my own but I don't have the facilities or time here. I retired from work about 3 years ago, loaded up my truck and set off to see Australia. I'm working my way around, managing roadhouses (truck stops) as I go.

    I think I'll settle for a new pair of ZX3's and a 1066 compressor, that will see my budget out for this year :(

    but I can still plan for next year (if the wife doesn't kill me first) ;-)~
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