1066 set-up basics
Hello, Roy here. New to the sight. Can someone help me find the topic or a link about the basics of setting-up a dbx 1066. I have been the Sunday morning sound man at church for about two years. We have a Yamaha 32 channel mixer. The 1066 was has never been hooked up to the mixer(except when i come in and play around with it). We have several professionally trained vocalist who when they belt out a song i am riding the faders like a tidal wave, going way down then back up. The other singers don't do that. I'm thinking the dbx will address all of that. Thanks for any help. Roy
I assume here that you are inserting the 1066 into the channels you are looking to control?
With that assumption made, insert the first channel in the insert for the vocal you want to work with.
Now for a male vocalist these are what I start with;
Comp:(this will vary with the vocalist anywhere from 0 to -48)
Ratio 3:1
attack 20ms
release 200ms
gain not much ever.. maybe 1-2dB
Your mileage may vary.. but that's a start
for female vocals:
Comp...(again, same as above)
ratio 1:3 - 5:1
attack .5ms -2.5ms
release 50ms 75ms
makeup gain again maybe 2 dB
These are again dependent and your mileage may vary...but it should be a start
Then as you get the vocalist on mic watch the gain reduction meter, but by varying the threshold you can adjust the amount of gain reduction applied to the channel..