Download firmware
I can't seem to download a new firmware to my PA+ according to this;
I have System Architect 3,0 version. When I connect the USB cable the computer can't see it and nothing is happening via System Arch as well. It's like there is no USB port in my PA+, when I connect my MP3+ or any other divice to my Computesr USB I can see a connection on my computer but not when i connecting my PA+.
Does anybody now what could be wrong or has anybody done this firmware update?
I can't seem to download a new firmware to my PA+ according to this;
I have System Architect 3,0 version. When I connect the USB cable the computer can't see it and nothing is happening via System Arch as well. It's like there is no USB port in my PA+, when I connect my MP3+ or any other divice to my Computesr USB I can see a connection on my computer but not when i connecting my PA+.
Does anybody now what could be wrong or has anybody done this firmware update?
FYI the DR260 was around for about 8 years before there was an update.. and that was simply a preset update...dbx does NOT make updates until the software is pretty much bulletproof...
If I put it in this way..
I have version V and there is a version V dated from 5/11/2011.
What thus it mean?
Note also that the majority will be fullrange speakers, and all they will provide is a basic HPF and perhaps an amp sensitivity suggestion...these are all easily calculable using provided specs...
Gadget, I understand what you are trying to say.
My question is why I can't download a new firmware if there is a new firmware according to the PDF-file then why not have the latest firmware. That's all. If I use it or not dosen't matter for me.
I am courious to see if there is any wrong or not with my USB-port in my PA+ regarding download via System Architect.
I'll stay tuned.
Meanwhile you can look at this
We found that occasionally the unit may boot up with the following message: “Check Sum Error�
Firmware version 1.10 was released to correct this problem only and does not add any additional speaker or amp tunings.
When the DRPA+ is first powered up, you can verify which version the unit has.
Be sure it reads v1.0.0.0, otherwise the unit already has the most current firmware available.
If you are unable to update, try going back to the firmware update document and proceed from step 8 to see if you can get the device to appear in System Architect.
If not, please contact tech support 801-566-8800 ext 4627
Best Regards,
Jason Mondragon
dbx Technical Customer Service
Harman Signal Processing
Sorry for the late reply...
I have the version v1.0.0.0 when I first power it up, so it seems to be ok here.
I called the tech support yesterday and talk to a nice guy, don't remeber his name, and we went thru the procedure as in the pdf.file but we couldn't figure out why it didin't work. It seems that my computer don't see the connection via USB port to PA+. I have a soundblaster MP3+ and when I connect it in the same USB port and when I go to "device and printers" on my computer then a icon pops up and say "USB device". But, this dosen't happens when I connect my PA+.
So, question here is, do I have a USB port or is it a atrapp. Well, I have to open it up to see how it looks inside.
We also discussed maybe if it could be the new version of the System Architech 3.0 that is causing the problem and install the last version 2.3 instead, but where do I find this now, there is no 2.3 version on the HQ nets website.
I'm gonna try with other computer and see how it works.
I'll report back in a couple of days.
I now, day's turn to weeks.
On my other computer it works fine and I have installed the new firmware on my drive rack from v1.000 to v1.010.
It works