Yorkville ls608 tuning
Can you post the crossover, PEQ, etc. tuning for the Yorkville ls608 subs from the Driverack PA+? I have a Driverack 260 and noticed that they are now supplied for the Driverack PA+, but I do not have access to that unit to see what they are. I'm using the subs with a QSC PLX 3602 and either JBL MP415s or MRX512Ms for tops. Thanks.
Yorkville is on my S H I T list for not EVER providing any speaker tunings, or even responding to quires about the subject...for that reason I believe dbx simply formulated the xover point ... which I can look up on mine but I could easily give you one with the amp info...
I know what you mean. I tried contacting them about getting some specs, and nothing.
Again, Thanks so much.
http://www.yorkville.com/downloads/manu ... cessor.pdf
(Looking at table on page 3)
Interesting that they have the ls608 crossed at 115hz when using the ep1215, which I believe is the one you are supposed to use with their E15 speakers, (which is somewhat comparable to the JBL MP415s).
(Looking at chart on page 15)
Trying to make sense out of the Subwoofer plot for dialing in a PEQ -- They have lines for "Subwoofer OUT", "Subwoofer IN", "sub min 90hz", and "sub max 150hz" -- which plot(s) should I follow for tweaking the PEQ, based upon this chart?
The 2 curves (min 90hz and max 150hz) are what the processor is doing at those 2 x-over points (vaiable control on the processor). At 115hz is would be somewhere in between. The sloser you get to 90hz, the less the higher PEQ is required to alter the high side slope.
For F3 and F4 on the PEQ you said, "Same as above". Do these need to be set at all, if they are the same as F2?
Also what dB should I set the Gain on the crossover with these subs and power amp (QSC PLX3602 775watts per sub) Thanks.
2 Way Set-up E12 (Passive + sub)
X-over: Low
47.5 hz BW 24
100 hz LR 24
PEQ Low: Hz Db Q (Yorkville)
F1 47.5 +4 2.03
F2 60 +2 5.71
F3 Same as above
F4 Same as above
Regarding that last question, do you have a recommendation on what the gain on the crossover should be with these subs and power amp (QSC PLX3602 775watts per sub)?
Betcha that there is no PEQ adjustment in the Driverack info. Only x-over.
I find that with my front loaded subs that there is an efficiency bump between 55-60hz, horn loaded (or in the case of some of the yorkville..semi-horn loaded the bump could be lower )
Regardless, looks like they fall off drastically below 50hz I would suspect the mechanical limits might get affected much below 45 hz BW 18...
Me I use LABsubs on my bigger gigs, and they are AWESOME :shock:
http://srforums.prosoundweb.com/index.p ... msg_380153