DBX PA+ / 4 x JBL EON 515XT / 2 x JBL EON 518S
Hi, i have recently received 4 x JBL EON 515XT and 2 x JBL EON 518S and i bought a DBX PA+ with a RTA mic, but i didn't realize how to connect the whole system since i know the EONs are prepared to daisy chain the audio, did i spend on an unneeded dbx ?? or i should keep it and how must be connected ?? I really appreciate any help since I'm new with this hardware, thanks.
So, that said, The DRPA+ will make deployment of the speakers, and optimization a breeze. You could hook up a typical stereo type setup and daisy chain the 2 speakers on either side, or use one output per speaker... the Driverack has the ability to provide full range or partial frequency coverage on all outputs, the limitation is no lopass filter (you can't limit the high frequencies cutoff point ).
I have many questions about the 2 Way Setup and about the daisy chaining configuration, wich one is better, i means:
First Setup:
|---LOW (R/L)|
JBL EON 518S (Right)
|||||||||||||||||________ JBL EON 518S (Left)
JBL EON 515XT (Right) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Right)
||||||||||||||||||||||||_________ JBL EON 515XT (Left) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Left)
Second Setup:
|---LINE (R/L)|
JBL EON 518S (Right) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Right) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Right)
|||||||||||||||||________ JBL EON 518S (Left) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Left) ---DaisyChain--- JBL EON 515XT (Left)
Im looking for absolutly the best quality sound, and im not sure if driverack could help since the JBL states that daisy chaining is enough to get the setup, im really a newbie with this.
1. Mixer out> Sub in, HPF engaged @ 120hz (most likely a BW24 filter..perhaps an LR24) > sub outputs to tops...
2. Mixer out> dbx PA+> high outs > 515's
low outs > 518S
HPF for the subs to protect it from over excrusion from super low frequencies...
LPF for the subs to allow for a smooth transition from lows to tops...
Multiple HPF and LPF crossover types to choose from
HPF for the tops...and equalization and delay...(no LPF available)
Parametric and GEQ equalization options
Alignment delay for syncing subs with tops (up to roughly 10 feet...)
Auto EQ
Room correction
out to speakers>
AND...I have never heard a system that didn't sound better...as soon as the driverack was hooked up even without any changes...
Then the fun begins.
The FAQ section here has tons of tuning and optimization techniques... some for older analog systems, but the majority of it is oriented toward driverack specific sound reinforcement...
The "start here" thread will get you going in the right direction.
In review,
1. You CAN just go from the mixer through to the4 speakers... it will work, but the options and ability to tune, align, and correct... the system is non existent.
2. BUT, you could add the PA+ and have incredible tools to help improve you sound...
NO comparison...
The on-board crossovers are basic and uninspired on the amps compared to the dbx... and the comps? give me dbx...
JBL provides an hpf for the tops/subs...the dbx offers many filter types up to 24 dB/octave...
dbx offers more accurate crossover points and the ability to minimize the interaction in the crossover area..
JBL offers NO eq options, you'll have to use the channel strips or add an EQ...dbx offers 7 PEQ's and 28 band GEQ's for system optimization and room correction...
dbx has other tools you can use like amp sensitivity/crossover output gain.
1.- By using DBX PA+ for a 2-way setup will apply a LPF for 518S subs, and a HPF for 515XTs. Is the MPF outside the equation ???
2.- If DBX PA+ will split audio by HPF and LPF, then the 515XTs will not receive LOW/BASS frequencies ???
3.- Its Ok to left out the MID output from DBX PA+ from setup ???
4.- Can the RTA Microphone sense and auto configure in real time the setup for best audio quality ???
Thanks in advance, i hope this questions aren't too dumb.
If you choose a 2X4, 2X3 (stereo tops and stereo subs, stereo tops and mono subs respectively) ONLY the high and low outputs are used.. the mids will not be made available..
If you chose 2x3 BOTH low outs will be available but will be summed
If you chose stereo tops (2x2) ONLY the high outs will be available...
If you chose to set up in the wizard, or select a preset then an HPF and LPF will be provided for the low outs, and an HPF will be provided for the hi outs...this doesn't mean that you can't modify them to suit your preferences...
As in #1 the mids are there for you to use... if you wish...but you will need to set them up as in a 2X5 or 2X6... you can then set the hi outs and mid outs to do the same thing , and then use the delay on them if you wish...or eq them differently...whatever you can come up with...
You can read the RTA in real time on the DRPA+ you cannot auto eq on the fly while unless you want to get MURDERED...by the people in the space your providing for...
Just sayin...