While I have both the PA+ AND PX as of late and because Im using aux fed subs and only two mains at the moment, the px does everything I need for the two mains...But I wanted to get this out there for reference and as to why is this the case...In the PX every factory preset for different speakers is all the same? every one has the crossover out and BW 6 and gain set at 0.0, No peq or graphic eq settings at all and only a couple limiter settings on , for instance, if you select "stereo mains" or " Eon G2" ALL SETTINGS ARE OFF ANYWAY?....seems to me completely and totally worthless using one of the presets unless maybe you are doing tops and subs or sub/sat etc...Why have presets with zero prosessing?? seems better off just using the custom on everything because even choosing a preset you still have to set everything manual? Just wondering, I would have asumed a preset would have all those settings correct and "turned on" for the particular speakers chosen in the preset list? Thx
2) Marketing :?
3) Marketing :twisted:
The PX is designed for (marketed to) powered speakers, yet powered speakers generally have onboard processing (EQ and limiting).
No manufacturer is willing to admit that their speakers aren't perfect..and flat in response. To do so, would result in loss of sales and an unwanted hype that their speakers are somehow flawed in design..
They are basically starting points.. nothing more or less..
One of the big problems dbx faces is getting information from the manufacturers that are reticent to provide the info. Recent info demonstrates that applying settings designed for one processor, say the Galileo or XTA in the driverack platform will elicit results that could skew more than 3dB or more in some areas...sometime across the band.
Also consider that every speaker exhibits differences in response.. even within the same models... so a rubber stamp preset is darn near useless.. and consider also that as the speakers get older from use their response changes as well..what good are these rubber stamp presets then? Speaker response even changes as the voice coils heat up... :?
So, if the time was to be taken to accurately model each and every speaker (even if they only did the ones in the presets) and considering that even within the platform the different models PX PA PA+ 260 400 series and 4800..zonepro all model differently, and would have to be done individually...can you imagine how much time it would take? not to mention they would have to actually HAVE each and every speaker to model... Consider also that each manufacturer would have to have each processor and go through the same process to provide the info...consider also that some processors are not equipped to provide the level of processing necessary to properly tame the speakers...
So, now do you see that dbx is providing a tool, for a purpose, and that with the tools comes the need for education and technical skills...and as Dra pointed out the sales rhetoric is ..well just that ...
Premier1 -- I know this is late but The factory presets 1-50 have everything in them. If you are lucky -- all you have to do is find one of those 50 and load it. IF your speakers aren't in the 1-50 BUT show up when you run the Wizard --you have to go to the JBL site or whatever brand it is and find the tunings and then manually load them. However, I have noticed crossover settings are seem to be present.