adding two additional mains of less power advice
our singer has purchased two additional powered mains however, they are each half the power of our main mains, in daisey chaining them should the more powerfull speakers be first in line to feed the lessor? or should the main feed go to the lessor and looped into the larger? just want to do this right and not blow anytuing up but still have the output I always have had and avoid clipping the lessor ones as I slide up the fader anyway any tips on this I would apreciate and how you guys would set this up, told her I would try it, so Im asking, Im not crazy about the idea but she got a good price and if it works all the better, these would be angled out towards the sides as to avoid overlapping etc, I also know its not a great idea to use different speakers and they should be all the same but if they can work as a side fill etc maybe we have something .
I know gadget your gonna say "I though you were al set with those peaveys"! yes I am! but she feels two more just have to be even better somehow, I see this as a nightmare im heading for trying it but nothing ventured, nothing gained...
I know gadget your gonna say "I though you were al set with those peaveys"! yes I am! but she feels two more just have to be even better somehow, I see this as a nightmare im heading for trying it but nothing ventured, nothing gained...
less powerful may not be as big of a deal as you think. Let's say the main's are capable of 132db and the new ones are capable of only capable of 129db. that can be the difference of a speaker gettin 1000w or only 500w. Sounds like a lot, but 3 db is noticable, but not much. Even a 6db difference (1000w compared to 250w) would be acceptable in a fill application.
Set each speaker level as if it were alone and go with it. That way every speaker runs out of gas at the same time.
My $.02.