Which RTA mic for Smaart would suit my needs best?
Hi all my system has grown to 4 LA400's and I got a pair of 460's also. My goal is another pair of each then I'll focus on a second system and use my 325's for it. So we're getting pretty serious now and there's a class on RTA micing with Smaart coming to Pittsburgh the beginning of December we're going to attend. Been getting mixed results with the driverack and really feel some hands on instruction will take us a long way.
So we do only electronic music at the highest volumes possible with a strong focus in the bass frequencies. I see different mics have their strengths and weaknesses. What would do me best at around $500 and what would be the no compromise I don't care on prices mic?
Thanks -Mark
So we do only electronic music at the highest volumes possible with a strong focus in the bass frequencies. I see different mics have their strengths and weaknesses. What would do me best at around $500 and what would be the no compromise I don't care on prices mic?
Thanks -Mark
I have and use Smaart every weekend with the DBX mic & it is fine. I borrowed an Audix TR40 just to see how the DBX mic compared and to my surprise the DBX and TR40 were very close together. They started to drift around 5k.
Here is another thing. The same place I borrowed the mic from has a Earthworks M30. I tried to get it BUT they wouldn't do it because it stays in the shop as reference. They told me it tracks very close to the Audix TR40 and that is what they use in the field.
A lot of the Smaart guys are recommending using the ECM8000's from cross-spectrum. They are pretty cheap. Calibrated and consistent. What you will find is that almost everyone ends up adjusting the Low end and the high end by ear (to taste) anyways......... which is really where high end mics and cheap ones differ.
If you are going to get into Smaart v7 with multiple mics -- I think the Calibrated ECM8000's are perfect. You need matched mics for smaart 7.
Also -- not sure what Driverack you have. Hopefully the 260. If not -- that extra money would go well towards the power of a 260.
Thanks -Mark
It may be better to start off with one mic and learn how to do basic ON axis measurements or even ground plane measurements. Once you get that down -- you could venture out into moving the mic around. I kept it simple my first year.
You may be able to use your ZED as the interface. I have the Presonus SL and it can be used as my interface BUT I haven't figured out how to use my routing configurations to make it work. I have asked the Smaart people & Presonus how to route it but no one knew for sure.
Here is the deal in the Smaart set up: You have to tap into the MAIN out coming off your board. I use a "Y" cable. One part of the Y carries onto the DR260 like normal. The other Y goes to the INPUT 2 on my external interface. The measurement mic goes into INPUT 1 on the interface. The interface is connected to a computer with Smaart software on it. You play pink noise thru the system which is fed into a channel strip so it can go thru the board on out to the speakers. No more Auto EQ Pink noise on the DR. You don't need it.
Now lets get rid of the interface and use the board as the interface. You connect yours with a USB (I think) mine is thru firewire. Since the Main out signal is "tapped" into on an external interface -- it will now just be routed back into a channel strip. To me it seems like a LOOP that I am not sure would work right or actually damage something. I am not a computer savy guy when it comes to internal routing of stuff like that. That is why I use the external interface.
If you are computer savy -- you could probably figure it out. I know a guy who claims he has done this with the Presonus board so I will ask him and get back with you.
If you have at least a two channel interface (MBox......or something like that) you may be able to use it as an interface. I have used the MBox and now I have the Presonus FireStudioMobile which works great.
With Smaart -- you don't have to push the volume ANYWHERE close to the auto EQ method. Very quiet & I do it right in front of my neighbors most of the time. Never a complaint.
Earthworks S30 $459
DPA 4007 $1925
The more you read up on SMAART now, the more you will absorb at the seminar....and do all 3 days of the class.
Thanks -Mark
The first two days is all technical information in a class room setting. The third day is a real world application of all that you learned in the first two days. The third day will be held in a theater or similar venue. For me, the big picture didn't come together until taking the third day....saving $150 wouldn't have been a bargain.
The DBX mic will be fine. Doing measurements at a venue often results with mic stands falling over and measurement mics hitting cement. You won't feel as bad when the damaged mic only cost you $50 to $100 in the first place. When you purchase the $500 mic, leave it at home and use it as a tester to compare to all of your cheap mics. When one of the cheapies starts to look noticeably different from your $500 reference mic, it's time to send that cheapie in for repair (or replace).
Unfortunately -- the v.6 manual makes more sense AFTER you know some things....
I have read the v. 7 manual and it makes way better sense BUT then again -- I am a few years down the road now.
Start off by viewing all the videos on Rational's site if you already haven't. There is even a Power Point presentation available that is real good. Also, there is the manual. Gotta start somewhere so just dive in and get going on it so that when you get to the seminar -- things will go smoother for you.
If you have any questions -- I may be able to help you.
Thanks -Mark
Sounds like places that I have to deal with all the time. The best you can hope for is to have a packed house. It will be a waste to go in there and try to tune up the system to the room dead empty because if the place fills up -- it is going to change.
Gadget has a method of placing a few parametrics in various places to take out room modes and such and I have to tell you -- I have done it myself and it works pretty well. Of course -- your system has to be flattened or the response smoothed out first.
Once you add reflective walls to your system -- you get buildups & cancellations. I am sure you already know this.... so you may have to tame down those areas so they don't dominate.....ie.... one note bass.
It seems to me (just like Gadget says) that areas in the typical reflective room have issues around 60Hz, 100Hz, 160-Hz & even up around 400-500Hz. My system can show a really smooth response outdoors and once I take it into a venue -- certain frequencies just buildup and have to be tamed. You can use a music CD and boost low frequencies and SWEEP back and forth on the frequencies and I bet an area will jump out as being waay louder. Apply a cut there either on your house graphic or a separate patch in the 260.
Pull a little 400-500Hz down and hear how it cleans up the mix possibly. Depends on where your frequency response is at....
Maybe this may help you: Dave Rat has a series of youtube videos out there and one of them is how he uses a set of headphones with a KNOWN FLAT response to tune the system in the room. I have done this with great success since it is nearly impossible for me to run Smaart inside a venue. Pink Noise only annoys people BUT a good CD that hasn't been compressed to within 3dB plus good headphones may help you reveal some things about your system that may be really helpful & the audience just thinks you are playing music.
Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU9BmupC62c
There are also some room mode calculators out there that maybe helpful as well. Punch in Room dimensions and it will tell you the room modes.
Sorry I live way the hell up in BFE northern Mn...
@ Gadget -- must of lost you the other night when you were traveling thru the "Dead Zone". I figured it would be waste to try and call you back. Anyways -- I will chat with you more later G.
Anyway it should help a lot if you can find a happy medium...but yes definitely strapem down...
Good luck..