Considering buying a driverack pa+
I am considering buying a driverack pa+ and would like some input. I know I don't have the best pa equipment but we got what we could afford. Behringer rx1202fx mixer, crown xls1000 and xls1500 amps, 2 b52 mx15 mains and 2 b52 mx18s subs. The xls1000 run the subs in bridged mono and the xls1500 the mains. My questions,1. the crown amps are in the matched tuning but my speakers are not, will that be an issue. 2. Right now I use the amps crossovers, sub amp I have everything below 150hz going to the subs and everything above 125hz going to the mains. I know the amp crossovers are simplistic but will I be able to do the same with the driverack. 3. Right now the problem I have is I have to run the pa in mono because I can only get one side of the stereo signal to the bridged mono amp, does the driverack sum the stereo signal to send to the sub amp? Thanks for any help you can give. I know I'm new at all this and probably going about it completely wrong so any help would be greatly appreciated
The DR will make a BIG difference in your sound. It's not a big deal that the speakers are not in the menu. Yes the DRPA and up will sum the outputs to mono (the PX will not).
With those speakers you will have MANY tools to work with.. and protect your investment.
Yes, and no... Yes it will do stereo tops and mono summed subs (DRPA/PA+ not PX) but no, there is NO equalization provided unless they are bi-amp tops in the menu...(usually only HARMON products like JBL) but Yes The auto eq will work for ANY speaker. What IS provided is a crossover point (subjective..not always what I would suggest..) and if you use the wizard some sort of gain structure...(again not always what I would use...) but the tools have been provided here for you to get the most out of your setups.
Some people, usually those that DON"T KNOW, or those that think they know it ALL.. are the naysayers..Not everyone is capable of eqing a system by ear (actually FAR less than you may think) I cannot think of one instance that by using the tools, and that includes the RTA mic, when DONE PROPERLY...that a HUGE improvement hasn't been achieved. Granted it's not as simple as they would have you believe, but we have pretty much de-mystifyed the process of getting great results, and if you follow the procedures in the "Start Here" thread and those in "FAQ" sections on the front page of this forum, you too will see that those that popo the Driverack are NOT in the know!
Read some of the responses and I dare say you will be VERY hard pressed to find a SINGLE dissatisfied person on this forum...but those are the ones smart enough to ask the questions.. even the dumb ones
Best regards
Huh? :?
Sorry I don't follow? Not many manufacturers will share their speaker tunings with competing manufacturers...Of course Harmon companies will give dbx their stuff.. but the fact is that different digital processors sound different with the same settings.
Speaker manufacturers need to provide information about their speakers in the form of processor specific setups, if they don't...but have setups for a different processor, taking a setup for that speaker from a different DSP will result in a different sounding system. Cross platform settings should be looked at as a starting point, that is all.
In other words, you cannot expect a preset for an XTA processor, or BSS, processor, or Peavey processor or any other to work the same on a DRPA, or for that matter you cannot take a preset for the dbx 4800 and use it on a DRPA and have it be the same...
Otherwise you get a tool like the driverack... and "Roll your own" the tools are all there, and were here to help.