40 Hz cut button on DBX 223XS.
Question about the 40 Hz cut button on DBX 223XS.
Running 2-way stereo.
I have a power amp for the highs and (2) power amps for the lows where one is for the left and the other for the right (channel 1 and 2).
The unit works great.
Just wondering about the button/switch on the front for the 40Hz Low Cut.
The manual doesn’t have much detail.
Says: “Switch for selecting the 40 Hz high pass filter. An LED indicates the selection�.
When I press the button to put it on the LED comes on only momentarily when I hold the button in.
When I release the button, I cannot get it to activate. The LED goes off. No function.
Just wondering what I’m doing wrong. Everything else works great.
There is also mentioned in the section for Stereo 2-Way Mode in the section for DBX 223 Front Panel:
“LEDs are disabled for controls which are non-functional�. It does however list it as one of the controls for this section.
Page 5:
http://www.dbxpro.com/product_downloads ... Manual.pdf
Question about the 40 Hz cut button on DBX 223XS.
Running 2-way stereo.
I have a power amp for the highs and (2) power amps for the lows where one is for the left and the other for the right (channel 1 and 2).
The unit works great.
Just wondering about the button/switch on the front for the 40Hz Low Cut.
The manual doesn’t have much detail.
Says: “Switch for selecting the 40 Hz high pass filter. An LED indicates the selection�.
When I press the button to put it on the LED comes on only momentarily when I hold the button in.
When I release the button, I cannot get it to activate. The LED goes off. No function.
Just wondering what I’m doing wrong. Everything else works great.
There is also mentioned in the section for Stereo 2-Way Mode in the section for DBX 223 Front Panel:
“LEDs are disabled for controls which are non-functional�. It does however list it as one of the controls for this section.
Page 5:
http://www.dbxpro.com/product_downloads ... Manual.pdf
Oh and I bet the HPF is 12dB/ octave... again not enough to protect anything...
Thanks for your reply. I tried it again last night and no luck.
Brand new unit. Yeah it's not engaging when I press the buttons in.
It happens on both the channel one and channel two buttons.
Everything works great on it..... I guess it's not a big deal.
I'm pretty new at this. This is my first set up with a crossover.
Thanks again.
(I'll also try the paper clip method)
Yep, I wasn’t able to push the switches in far enough with just my finger tips.
A tiny screw driver pushed them in the little bit more that was needed.
Tech Support said the same thing:
Try pressing the switch in with a ball point pen or something small and pointy like that. It is a recessed switch and has been set up that way to prevent accidental engaging/disengaging.