You will need to understand that those subs will NOT be in the tunings, are will NOT going to keep up with the SRX 715's .. unless you have LOTS of will want to set the crossover the same (the PRX have their own limiters) but eliminate any PEQ settings suggested for the other SRX 715 /W sub setups...
Also, you posted this on the Driverack260 discussion forum...not a big deal..
Well, generally your probably looking at at least a 218 cab per side, probably 2 to 1 subs to tops unless you have LOADS of power and an ass kicking sub like maybe a Danley Sound or Bassmaxx possibly, the SRX 218 would require about 4000 peak horsepower to do it justice, or a pair with 2-3000 watts per sub (and 2 each 2x18's).
Low end takes a LOT more power than you think (for live sound) For DJ work don't feed the speakers any more than their rated power. Heavily compressed sound can EAT speakers...BIG power costs BIG money as typically you end up with~ power and more subs...We just dot a 7000 watt Digam amp.. BIG power, but BIG money as well...
Another consideration is how low you want to go...thats where the Danleys and Bassmaxx type speakers blow the front loaded subs like the SRX718/728 out of the water... on low extension. they may claim 30 hz performance.. but few can actually do it. Horn loaded subs also have very low distortion numbers.. its a totally different sound.
I guess I sort of knew what the answer was going to be. I thought the powered sub would be a good fit in medium clubs at less than full tilt power. We play mostly Country and light Rock at moderate levels(about 90-100db). Any way to add watts to the powered sub? Need a good kick drum sound on the bottom end. Thanks for the info
Comments ... D=18&Run=1
You'll want to look up SRX700 series DRPA tunings
You will need to understand that those subs will NOT be in the tunings, are will NOT going to keep up with the SRX 715's .. unless you have LOTS of will want to set the crossover the same (the PRX have their own limiters) but eliminate any PEQ settings suggested for the other SRX 715 /W sub setups...
Also, you posted this on the Driverack260 discussion forum...not a big deal..
Low end takes a LOT more power than you think (for live sound) For DJ work don't feed the speakers any more than their rated power. Heavily compressed sound can EAT speakers...BIG power costs BIG money as typically you end up with~ power and more subs...We just dot a 7000 watt Digam amp.. BIG power, but BIG money as well...
Another consideration is how low you want to go...thats where the Danleys and Bassmaxx type speakers blow the front loaded subs like the SRX718/728 out of the water... on low extension. they may claim 30 hz performance.. but few can actually do it. Horn loaded subs also have very low distortion numbers.. its a totally different sound.
No.....add powered subs to the powered sub.