Well boys and girls.. My beloved mother passed away this past Friday. I am in terrible condition and don't know when I will once again be able to think i apologize if I don't make sense from time to time as I work through this...
I must keep busy since an idle mind is indeed the devils workshop. This last weekend was a real tough one as I had to do my usual shows, and it seemed everything that could go wrong did... just as a near perfect storm of things took my mother... it seemed that the audio gawds had it in for me at the venue...
For those of you that still have your mothers.. you too could loose her in a quick hurry so don't take anything for granted! Call her, see her you never know when it might be your minute my mom was here having Thanksgiving Dinner, and talking about the fact that we still didn't get in those golf games and now I will never get the chance...In this day and age of super illnesses and potentially deadly plagues we need to be aware of what is REALLY important.. and that is FAMILY, and friends. DO NOT take them for granted.. our family has had 4 tragic losses in a couple months now and I'm so sic of funerals that I don't care if I ever go to another...
So, take it from me DON"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!call your MOM, your DAD your friends.. tell them you love them.. you never know when it will be your last chance...and God knows.. and he accepts those that deserve it but doesn't get involved in the day to's up to YOU!
I must keep busy since an idle mind is indeed the devils workshop. This last weekend was a real tough one as I had to do my usual shows, and it seemed everything that could go wrong did... just as a near perfect storm of things took my mother... it seemed that the audio gawds had it in for me at the venue...
For those of you that still have your mothers.. you too could loose her in a quick hurry so don't take anything for granted! Call her, see her you never know when it might be your minute my mom was here having Thanksgiving Dinner, and talking about the fact that we still didn't get in those golf games and now I will never get the chance...In this day and age of super illnesses and potentially deadly plagues we need to be aware of what is REALLY important.. and that is FAMILY, and friends. DO NOT take them for granted.. our family has had 4 tragic losses in a couple months now and I'm so sic of funerals that I don't care if I ever go to another...
So, take it from me DON"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!call your MOM, your DAD your friends.. tell them you love them.. you never know when it will be your last chance...and God knows.. and he accepts those that deserve it but doesn't get involved in the day to's up to YOU!
Been there, done that and this is the condition you are suppose to be in right now. I'm sorry for your loss.
Take care,
DRA (David)
Hope y'all find peace and comfort...