USB connection for Firmware Upgrade and Windows 7
Hello Drive Rack Forum...
I got a problem...
Have a DriveRack PA+... Got a new Crown Amp XLS1500.. It's not on the Preset list, so I go to the website and in October DBX came out with a Firmware upgrade.. GREAT!!! Quick dowload of the DriveRack Updater, and I should be set
I've tried 2 computers, and 3 different USB cables, and can't get my computer to recognise that the DriveRack is plugged in... I noticed there was another thread that dealt with this, but in his case.. .it just started working... In mine.. it won't..
Operating system is Window's 7, both computers are up to date as far as Service Packs and updates go.
Is there a patch or a seperate driver that I need?
I got a problem...
Have a DriveRack PA+... Got a new Crown Amp XLS1500.. It's not on the Preset list, so I go to the website and in October DBX came out with a Firmware upgrade.. GREAT!!! Quick dowload of the DriveRack Updater, and I should be set
I've tried 2 computers, and 3 different USB cables, and can't get my computer to recognise that the DriveRack is plugged in... I noticed there was another thread that dealt with this, but in his case.. .it just started working... In mine.. it won't..
Operating system is Window's 7, both computers are up to date as far as Service Packs and updates go.
Is there a patch or a seperate driver that I need?
Sensitivity (for full rated power at 4 ohms) 1.4Vrms
ALL XLS amps have the very same input sensitivity...
As does the :
CDi series
CTs series
XTi series
Macrotech series
...the differences are the voltage gains...
Look, when you do a gain structure using amps OTHER than those specified (or usually NOT specified or implied) then you are only approximating the gain structure anyway.
The ONLY thing that you will be doing by getting the update (unless you are using bi-amp speakers / amps that ARE in the menu) is getting a blank set of GEQ and PEQ settings, a roughed in xover point, and a "clock position" approximating the "input sensitivity" it takes to acheive rated output...
Simply select any amplifier with the same amp sensitivity and you have what you need...
If the amp has a 1500 watt rating with a 1.4Vrms input sensitivity, then 1.4Vrms in will result in 1500 watts out...In a perfect world...And, An amp rated @ 200 watts @ 8 ohms with that sensitivity (1.4Vrms) then 1.4Vrms will result in 200 watts into an 8 ohm load.. in a perfect world...
HOWEVER, if you have.. say a typical tops and subs setup, HOPEFULLY you have a LOT more power for the subs, because they need it. Usually you need a LOT more subs than tops AND a lot more power...So, the amps are going to be different, and perhaps even have different input sensitivity...
That said, we have a simplified setup/gain structure thread just for simplification of this issue:
That takes you through setup and optimization using many of the driverack tools.
If you want to use the math and go that route.. well, have at it, but there is a LOT more to it than you might think. If it's only a pair of tops, fine, set the input sensitivity if you want but it will NOT make any significant difference in the scheme of things. It's more important to have a mixer that has the input channels average unity or near there (analog mixers). This will have the signal to noise ratio high...which is good.
I can't believe that Tech support wouldnt' have gotten this fixed yet... I know I'm not the only one with this problem... I've been emailing them for days... the only thing they haven't told me to do yet is restart my computer... LOL.... Although I have, just to be sure...
We spent a lot of money for this because of the things it does for you... If it doesn't and we're back to doing homework and trying to be experts... Whats the point... The major attraction for us was being able to use Presets and the bank of stored equipment that it has, AND that it was updateable... Well, unless your lucky it seems, or figure out how to hold your mouth just right... ... not so much...
Anyway.. Thanks again... I think we've found that the CDi 1000 Setting is what we'll use to get close and tweek if we need to..
I got it to work…
I tried obviously my computer.. My wifes computer.. My old dusty back up computer, Window’s Vista… Nothing on all of them…
The next day, I brought home my work laptop, Window’s XP sp3… yep.. Still nothing. So by this time, I’ve tried 4 computers, 3 different Operating Systems all with the same result …. Nothing… Tech Support made arrangements with us to get the unit shipped back and checked out, and offered to help us get it setup with Gadgets recomendation using the Crown CDi series specs so we could play our upcoming gig.
A colleague (our IT manager from offsite) and I were talking today about devices, printers in fact, that she couldn’t get to install on 2 of the computers she was working with at the other company. She mentioned that the printers installed perfectly on her computer, but on the other 2, the computers wouldn’t even recognize that they were plugged in. Long story short, she figured out that that specific brand of computer needed a patch from the manufacturer for the USB system and the Bios, for some devices to be recognized. (I don’t know, and would probably not understand the specifics) It turns out that the computers she was having problems with were Dell Laptops. Guess what all 4 computers I tried were… All Dell Laptops…
Long story short, just for kicks, I brought home with me an old back up computer that work had available. Still works, but just not real speedy, but best of all.. It’s an IBM… with Window’s XP loaded…
Set the DRPA to “Ready for Flash� Plugged it in to the computer and wouldn’t ya know, it installed as a Human Interface Device…. I hadn’t even downloaded the Installer yet. Once I downloaded and installed the Firmware installer, within minutes It was finished…
We are Up To Date!!!
So… Here’s where you guys might be able to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4… What’s different about Dell’s Bios or USB controllers that won’t work with this DBX device…. Might help you guys troubleshoot other customers…
“Do you have a Dell Computer?� perhaps try another brand…
Sorry for the days and days of Emails and frustrating posts on this forum… but perhaps this situation helped in the long run
We are also having issues on the Presonus firewire platform with some PC laptops. Mac, not so much, but since dbx doesn't, and won't deal with MAc it's not an issue we see here.
I'm gettin' too old for all this stres...
lol... I feel your pain.
I can actually fire up Studio One Pro, send channels out to it in real time, use the plugins to master the track (use multiband compressors, studio quality efx and dynamics processors, and send them back to the mixer in real time... Hey this ain't a $30,000 Avid SC48 folks .. I think it was about $1500 bucks and came with all but the Studio One Pro which I think added an additional $95...You could easily spend that on a couple of plugins for the Avid...
The BEST thing tough.. so far has been to be able to stand on stage and set up the monitors standing next to the person I'm setting up! This is more than huge, WAY better than having the cue monitor sitting next to me...I'm right there with the muso.. in the thick of things.. while the show is running if necessary... Because believe me, when the whole band is playing things are totally different onstage..
I don't think I can ever go back to tell you the truth...I was a died in the wool analog guy.. till the driverack came along.. now, with the control I have.. there just isn't any comparison to sitting with an analog desk and all the outboard equipment....
I guess the next logical step for me is the SAC (software audio console) where the bar is raised WAY higher ... where I don't have the limitations I do with the Presonus... I want more aux busses so I don't have to compromise.. I want to be able to make submixes and control whole groups with one fader.. and I can't afford even a flat sterile sounding Yamaha $10,000 LS9... that won't give 1/100th the flexibility...
Well that's all folks...
That way I can be "Just the Guitar Player" again...
QUESTION: I have an older DRPlus that I need to update with a few saved profiles. If I update the firmware, will it erase the saved profiles?
On the update thing, I'm sorry I don't know. So far all the units I've updated hadn't had any prior programming done.
Profiles? Where see profiles? No law enforcement here...
DO you mean, PRESETS? Or are you looking to save SETUPS...?
Take for instance the dbx preset for a Peavey SP1 and Peavey Sp118 subs...180 hz crossover point suggested...does that make ANY sense at all? Not to me...
You can also write down the presets you have ... that is the ONLY backup you will have in case of failure of the unit. Doesn't happen often, but when it does... they're gone...
Found this thread, pulled out my old Dell laptop (probably 5yrs old), running XP, and after an hour of various Microsoft "updates" to XP I reinstalled the dbx Updater software.
Hooked the old laptop up with the same USB cable and turned on the power to the PA+. Heard the familiar Microsoft sound of "Found New Hardware" and was able to update it without further issues. I guess I'll hold on to the old Dell until dbx fixes the issue.
By "their", do you mean DBX support?
By "computers" do you mean that they are using Windows 7 (64 bit)? They told me a while back that it wouldn't work.