Lab Subs, who's built some?
Who here has built some Lab Subs? How do you like them, How many are you running? Gadget I believe likes them. I'm needing some more bottom when we do outdoor shows. I have complete woodworking shop, building them is not a problem, just want to know how they compare to commercial boxes.
Google those as well.
The ONE AND ONLY complaint? There big.
In case anyone happens along this thread that has built some I would be interested in seeing where they got there plan information, if available anywhere besides the psw thread. Would like just a bit more info.,22.0.html
Ya I have LABsubs, and they are awesome...the design is about 2 decades old and was first implemented in the Servosound Servo Seven's, developed by Tom Danley (the designer of the LABsubs) The reason I mention this, is, that new developments like updated drivers with higher power handling have changed the landscape a bit but the LABsub design still holds up today. Tom has of late switched from exponential horn design to tapped horns. What this does is increase horn length and utilizes both front and back of the woofer to increase the output and lower the frequency response even further.
I can only compare the LABsubs to what I have put them up against...but I can tell you this, 6 labsubs outdoors with one Digam 5000 driving all 6, blew away 8, JBL SR4719 run by 4 Macrotech 5000's... you couldn't even tell they (4719) were on... that's 20,000 watts, and 16- 18" drivers... versus 5000 watts, and 12- 12" drivers...
Imagine what 20,000 watts on the labs and 8 of them could do?
You will note that with the new drivers and subs that numbers similar to the output , and frequency response are possible... but at what price? How much is an amp that sports 4800 watts of real power? or 10,000 watts? Lets just say you can by a good car for a LOT less...And the subs themselves? start in $2000 per speaker and go up dramatically from there...The labs subs are very comfortable with 1500-1800 watts peak.
It takes a group of 4 LABs to do high 30 hz and 6 will approach 20 hz...If you have never experienced this SUB frequency stuff.. it's CRAZY... I can't stand the sound of front loaded subs any more, but some, have become accustomed to the distortion of front loaded subs think the horn loaded subs don't "sound" as loud, when in reality it's MUCH louder and actually produces sub sonic content, that will "quiver your liver"
The LABsub build is VERY challenging to say the least, and to assume you can build them from pictures is a VERY BAD idea...The plans are all still there as DRA pointed out...I went with version 2, with the back bottom and top corners lopped off, for wheels and handle. Makes moving them a one man job. I also cut handle holes around the face of the horn face.
As for building them, I don't mean a photo, I should have said I have a copy of what is on the PSW site, it's just a diagram of the dimension's, doesn't say much else. I can build them easily from these.
Will a pair do OK, I know it's said they do better in multiples. I don't see it being very tough to build these in my shop, was thinking build a pair, fire em up and see, then another pair if I like.
Good luck. ... /~labhorn/
It's the definitive build documents with all you should need... even includes dimensions for cad.. and CNC router...
The drivers I buy @ Louds0peakers plus, tell Jay hello from Gary...
Amps.. well depends on what you want to buy, I use one Mac 3600 on a pair...or about 1800 watts...or I might use the new Digam 7000 ... but that's overkill...
Too funny.. that show I was talking about...guess what tops we were using? PAS TOC 3.2...X 6 and the labs outran them BADLY...with a bridged RMX2450 per top!
They may not have great pattern control but they get LOUD...
I would also need some kind of budget idea (ford > Mercedes> Ferrari)
So what do you think these things are?
PS the tops have Renkus-Heinz drivers on the horns, and pas hl2580c 15's in them.
Also when you have them in groups of 4 or 6, is that 4 or 6 per side of the stage? Or total?
4 LABsubs in a cluster.. indoors in a BIG bar install...testing out the system and tuning after hours one day a close friend of the owner came in and said man... there was an earthquake last night, that's never happened before... He lived in a basement apartment a block and a half away...
I was kickin ass and takin names with a killer band and some guy comes running back all panicky..." The floor is moving man! Were all gonna end up in the BASEMENT... the floors gonna buckle!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I said " Um... there's no basement... that's a concrete slab..."
The LABsubs "like" to be run in groups wherever possible... it smooths the response and lowers the frequency response... the more you have together... the lower they will go, and the more terrifying the results are
In short, yes they will work equally well indoors and out, just be prepared for the FALLOUT... BAHAHAHA 8)
Oh and after a few shows with the Labs... Thunderbase will be an UNDERSTATEMENT...
One other question, is it 3/4 inch plywood? If I did the math right it should take 3 sheets of plywood to build one sub.
At first Im going to build one sub then after a while ill build another.
Well that depends on the amp you have to power them...most amps won't do 1.5 ohms... so you would need to wire them one woofer per channel (of a stereo amp). two drivers @ 8 ohms gives a dc resistance of 3.1 ohms or so...
I can't for the life of me remember exactly how much wood it takes but if you can afford it get Baltic birch/ void free! I saw a demo once where the lifted a Harley full bagger by the 4 corners. Regular plywood would be lucky to pick up a vespa...Then they threw a piece of both in a bucket of water, and the regular plywood swelled up and fell apart in hours...
Can I get away with using the Pyle Pro 4000 amps? They claim 4000 watts mono bridged at 4 ohms, or in stereo it would be like just under 2000 watts at 2 ohms. There a budget amp so I really dont know how accurate that 4000 watts number really is.
I plan on haveing 8 LABsubs. What amp would you recomend for this setup? 4 boxes per side of the stage.
If I figured it right, I should be able to use 4 XTI 4002s for the 8 subs.
I agree on the Baltic Birch and any time I have purchased it, the sheet size was 5'x5'. the thickness is a metric value close to 3/4" ... bsp%3B5000
Otherwise the old iron horse amps are hard to beat for shear impact and punch.. few digital PS amps can match the old iron, the Power soft amps are really the only ones I've found that really do...