Setup Question
I have done the gain structure on the board and it looks like maybe 1-2 oclock is my max gain on each channel. I sent this to the amps and I could not get the tops to clip without increasing the crossover gain, not much but finally got everything set. I guess I am confused on the limiters and how to set them to protect the amps. Do i leave the amps up and adjust the gain @ the board (which means barely sliding the mains) or cut the amps back so I have control @ the board. Not sure which is best? hanks for all the help so far.
2 Yamaha c115v for mains and 2 EV eliminators for subs
the tops are running on a ps7000 in stereo and the bottoms are on 1 side of a EP4000 and the monitors are on the other. I have it sounding good just wanted to double check.
2 Yamaha c115v for mains and 2 EV eliminators for subs
the tops are running on a ps7000 in stereo and the bottoms are on 1 side of a EP4000 and the monitors are on the other. I have it sounding good just wanted to double check.
Ummm... :oops: :oops:
You don't want to protect the amps....we want to protect the SPEAKERS from the amps...
Have you read the "Start Here" thread? There we tell you how to do a correct gain structure without using amp sensitivity... which works only if you have the exact perfect amps for the rig, and how often does that happen?
The limiter setup depends on what you do with the system...