DBX 260 with no audio and "white screen"
Well, my DBX 260 has that well known issue where the screen goes all bright and stops passing audio. Turning off for a while doesnt help. I saw in the topics that it is a very simple fix, but there's a catch: The unit is in Brazil and out of warranty. I am about to throw it way. Could anyone from DBX (Mike I guess) help me by pointing where in the unit I should look?
Mike, or any other dbx person does not frequent this site, as it is a user site, and I pretty much alert them when something needs their attention...I have several 260's DRPA's and a PX as well as a 240 and a 4800 and have never seen the issue first hand but have been here long enough to know that there are a few issues that happen to the platform. As I remember, there is a past problem with the display, but USUALLY it is the ribbon cable that causes the problems.
The Ribbon cable sits in a socket, and can become corroded and have connection problems. Pull the ribbon cable out and use an eraser (pencil type) and clean the ribbon. I used Caigs de-oxit on the sockets as well...I did this as preemptive measure on mine and have not had any issues.