Run PX through a snake?
So with my mixer being on one end of a stage snake and then attaching my powered speakers to the sends on the other end of the snake, can I simply hook up my DRPX on the mixer side?
Long story short (too late, I know) I hooked up my DRPX to my system this evening in our School's auditorium and things were going well until the AFS stage.
Oh well. Maybe if I read this stuff a thousand times something will stick.
Assign 6 fixed and 6 roaming filters...
If your going to have the system tuned flat and ready to rock (we HAVE provided ALL the info you need to do this AND set your gain structure) then set the controls to MUSIC HI, and LIVE LIFT after 5 sec
Set up all the mics and have them and any monitors working and at concert volume/gain...
With the master fader down select the AFS function and start it... raise the master fader till the first filter sets...
Raise the fader further till the second, third and so on till it's RIDICULOUSLY LOUD or all 6 fixed filters set.
Turn the system back down and onward and upward.
Things to read:
Start Here:
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